Chapter Nine: Revenge

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I arrived at the house and bent down to pick up the spare key from under the gnome. I always loved that gnome, it was so out of the ordinary. The house was a three bed, two bathroom wonder house. It was like a Tardis, it was big enough outside but entering, it was like a multi storey mansion. I crept up to the door and inserted the key into the lock, jolting it violently to straighten. The door swung open and I walked into the room. Quietly walking through the living area, my clumsiness finally behaving for once in my life, I followed the room shape until I reached the solid oak brown door. I raised and hand and gently rapped three times. 'Come In!' called from the other side. I entered the room and sat down in the huge desk chair. 'Oh it's you. Why didn't you tell me when you knocked?' Said the voice. I shrugged knowing full well they could see. 'What's brought you here then?'  

'I need a favour'. I said confidently. '10's bag and about fifty cameras'.  

'Ahh the old Lou returns'. I smirked.  

'I never left'.


Lorelei's P.O.V

I watched as Louisa ran out of the door, leaving Riley dumb struck. I couldn't help but smirk, serves him right! I felt suddenly sick so ran to the bathroom. I let loose, spewing the entire content of my stomach into the bowl of the toilet. After spewing until my stomach was empty I thought the worst things. 'What is wrong with me?' I whispered exhausted. I removed my heels and slumped against the floor, too tired to move. The lights started to fade around me as I embraced drowsiness.

A while later I was still blacked out. The door clicked open. Damn. Why can't I see? I thought. I could hear ok, but couldn't move or see. Right, so. I thought. I guess I'm gonna sit this one out. 'Hey. You're a pretty one aren't you?' A voice said. Well, I hate to brag but I was Miss September, four years running. I said in my head. Whoever this is in the room must be either really drunk on scotch or has some kinda throat disease. I laughed internally at my thought. Woah! My mind warned, why is this guy touching my thighs? I panicked internally and tried to back up. Still paralytic from my boozing, I couldn't move. Help! Help! No sound exited my mouth, just a short, quiet whimper. The hand edged closer and closer up my legs. The door slammed. 'Get the fuck off her!' Someone called. Dragging the icy fingers from my legs. I heard lots of clattering and thudding, followed by painful groans. 'Hey, hey, Lorelei are you okay?' Warm hands went around my face as the familiar voice soothed me. 'Lorelei, baby, it's me, Spencer, I'm taking you home baby'. He lifted me from the floor and carried me into the party atmosphere, topped off with sweat, beer and weed scenting the air. Spencer? Why is he taking me home? Surely its a joke? He's going to throw me in the fountain, revenge. He hates me why would he help. If anything he'd want me to get raped or murdered. Heck! He would've arranged it! Wouldn't he??

Louisa's P.O.V.

I planted the drugs underneath his pillow and set up the cameras in every corner of the room. Sitting on the bed I dialled the number. 'Hello, Superintendent Wincott? I would like report a drug possession on campus?' The man on the phone took notes as I described whose room, how and when I found them. He asked me if I was sure. 'Certain sir'. He said he would be down in an hour.

I waited for the hour, plus an extra twenty minutes of "traffic" until Superintendent Wincott arrived. 'Miss Briens?' He greeted. 

'O'Briens sir' I corrected. He looked up with frustration in his eyes. 

'Well yes. O'Briens of course, apologies'. Crap! Don't correct him you idiot! Do you want to be expelled?! My inner monologue screamed at me. 'Have you touched the drugs?' I withheld a smirk as I shook my head.'Right well. Good. Where are they?' I showed him to where the drugs were. 'Are you certain they aren't yours Miss Briens?' I swear I saw a glint of success in his eyes as he got my name wrong again.  

'No sir. I have touched drugs in the past, but only for escapism nothing else, here I am happy, this school is my escape'. He nodded but the smile he gave didn't reach his eyes. Riley entered the room. 'Riley, it's good too see you!' The superintendent smiled. 

'Yes, Ste-Um, Superintendent Wincott, it's great to see you too, what's brought you here?'. Riley said, biting his lips. He looked like a god doing that, I shook my head to get rid of the erotic images, creeping into my mind. Riley caught me and gave confused look.  

'I'm afraid I'm here on unfortunate circumstances, you see Miss Briens here-' 

'O'Briens' Riley interrupted, earning himself a glare from the superintendent.  

'Anyway, she has accused you of the possession of Marijuana-'.  

'What? That's Bull-'. Riley screamed, interrupted by a wave of the superintendent.  

'If you interrupt me once more I will let the police deal with this. It is an extremely serious case'. Just as I thought, The superintendent asked me to leave whilst he spoke with Riley, I ran next door to watch the computer monitor. As soon as I'd left, the superintendent dropped his stance was slightly slouching. His blue suit creasing a bit as he sat on the bed. He ran a hand through his rustic hair and sighed. 'I have told you. Time and time again. You need to be more careful. How am I supposed to clear this up?' Said the suited man. 

'I have been! I don't do drugs! They're not mine. Come on Stephen you know me! You know I don't do drugs!'. Riley cried out.  

'Right. I believe you. What we are going to do is. Go up to the cabin, for one week. I'll get you out of classes. Tell Little Miss Snitch that you have been suspended. It won't go on your record. I'll sort everything'.  

'Yes sir'. Riley retorted like a Golden Retriever. With that the superintendent left. I pressed burn on the computer and inserted two disks, one after the other.

Walking back into the room, Riley and I share. 'What the hell?'. I smirked.  

'Little bit of a liar now aren't we?'. I snorted a laugh. He raised an eyebrow. 'Oh Stephen! You know I never do drugs!'. I mocked in a voice he didn't even have. He rolled his eyes.  

'So this is what we've come too?'. I laughed. 

'Oh baby, don't flatter yourself, there was never a "We"'. I waved him off and laid down on my front on my bed. Riley walked over and turned me over so that my back was against the bed. He held my wrists in place, so I couldn't escape, straddling me. 'There will always be a "We"'. He whispered. He leant down closer. 'All you have to do is admit it'. His breath brushed across my lips.  

'Okay, I admit it'. I rasped. He brought his lips down onto mine, bringing his body down on top of me. As soon as he straightened his body, I brought my knee up as hard as I could and rammed him in the crotch. He groaned out in pain as I smirked against his lips. I pushed him off of me and got up to rearrange myself. I stepped over Riley who was on the floor crumpled. 'Aww baby. There will never, ever be a "We"'. With that I walked out of the door and up to Christian's room.

I swung the door open and walked in. 'Hey Christian! You should see what I just di-' I stopped right in my tracks when I saw Christian and Mandy writhing about on the bed. Christian grabbed the covers and fell off of the bed. 'Wh-'. I closed my eyes, confused. I turned on my heel and walked away. 'Louisa wait!'. I ignored him as I climbed out the second floor window onto the fire escape. Isar down and pulled out my phone, realising there were tears rolling down my cheeks. 'H-Hello? Can you pick me up please?' I said in a muffled sob. 'At the campus, yes please'.

I walked down the stairs and flicked down the ladder. I walked to the car park and waited. 'Hey'. The voice said as the car pulled up. 'Hi' I whispered, entering the car. 'Sorry for calling you, I know you're mad at me'. He brought his long, soft fingers around my face.  

'I could never be mad at you'. He said softly, bringing his lips against mine. 'I love you Louisa'. 

I smiled against his lips. 'I love you too, Darren'.


So a few things,

Is Spencer still in love with Lorelei??  

What's Louisa going to do with the disks??? 

Why was Christian in bed with Mandy???? 

And lastly what's gonna happen with Darren and Louisa??????? Please Vote/Like/Comment it means sooooooooooooooooo much!!! Much Love xx

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