Chapter Thirteen: Forceful Friendships

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We arrived at the hospital an hour later. There was frantic beating coming from inside Riley's room, but there were nurses blocking the door. I tried pushing through them. "What's going on? Please someone tell me! Please?! What's going on?!" I screamed. I was held back by Mr. Cameronson. "Please" I whispered.

"Miss O'Briens. Louise. Please, this isn't going to solve anything, lets just calm down". Riley's dad said. He looked around me at Jared the nurse. "Can you tell us what is going on please? I am Riley's father". The nurse looked shell shocked at the millionaire standing before him.

"I'm sorry sir. Its too soon to tell. His vitals decreased rapidly as of a mistake by Ms Wincott and-".

"WHAT?!" I screamed. I shrugged away Mr Cameronson's restricting arms and ran through the white corridiors. I left my car in New York so I ran the way.

Charging through the streets of Franklin, CT, towards my destination. My mind was as clear as crystals. There was nothing that was to get into my way. I knew exactly what I was doing. Slamming through the big white doors yet again, I forced my palpatating heart to carry me further. I booted the door as hard as I could as it came crashing open. I grabbed her long blonde hair and dragged her away from the oral sex she was giving to a boy I only knew as James. "Ouch! What're you doing!" She screamed. "Get off of me!" James went to intervene.

"Come near her and I will take a picture of that and send it to every girl in this school. Then you'll grow old with the complexity of having a 'Little member'". James doen up his zipper, putting all of his junk away and walked out of the door, giving Mandy an apologetic look.

"Now, Mandy! Me and you are going on a trip. So where's your car keys?" I smiled sweetly. She handed me the keys as I dragged her barely keeping up body along the corridors.

I threw her into the passenger seat once at the lot and climed in the other side, careful to lock the doors so she didn't get out. "W-where are we going?" She whispered, tears streaming.

"For a drive". I skud the tyres on the gravel floor and sped towards the hospital. I grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her along with me. In the elavator is the only time I released her. She rubbed her elbow as she leant her back against the hand rail. "Why are we here?" She asked. I ignored her. I thought about Riley. "I-I think I might like Louisa", "Don't worry sweety. It will be okay", I thought of the night with the wolf. How sweet he was with her, how sweet he was with me. Riley. The sweetest boy I'd ever met. The only guy who I've met that didn't use me or treat me like crap, sure we argued but he didn't abuse me like my dad. He didn't use me like Joel and Chrisitan and he didn't string me along like Darren. The elevator dinged to an arrival as I pulled Mandy back around. "You don't have to drag me, I'll walk" She said. I carried on dragging her until we reached the white doors. Mr. Cameronson was waiting in a chair outside Riley's room. I pushed Mandy up against the whte doors, pressing her face to the glass. "Look! Look inside that room and tell me what you see!" I shouted.

"I...I....I" She broke down. "I see Riley. He's in there. Sick. It's my fault. It's all my fault" She sank to ground and sobbed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Mandy" I sighed. "Get up. It's my fault not yours. Although, yes you are a dumb blonde, the only reason he's here is because I-I set him up. I knew about the Superintendant clearing his records because he was dating you so I set it all up and recorded it as blackmail that he was only being cleared because he was dating you" I looked at the floor. "I'm sorry".

"Wait did you say, because he was dating me, my dad cleared his records?" I nodded. "I knew nothing about this. If I did I would've dumped Riley for using me, long ago". She showed a state of panic yet seriousness in her eyes. "So if you didn't set up your dad to clear Riley's record then who did?" I asked.

"I did". Both me and Mandy turned to see Mr. Cameronson stood up sighing. "Riley was going off of the rails. Smoking, doing drugs, sleeping around, and being distracted by football" He looked at the ground. "I paid off Superintendant Wincott to clear his records. I need him to get into Stamford or Harvard. Heck! Maybe even Yale! But his perpetuant football antics were threatening success. Football isn't a stable career. He needs a real job". He said guiltily.

"Wait so, you were the one who arranged it?" He nodded. "Well that makes sense now". I said. There was a cough behind us. We turned around to see nurse Jared standing in the doorway of Riley's room. "Mr Cameronson? Hes awake. Miss O'Briens? Riley wants to see you". My heart flipped in my chest. I walked into his room to see him lying down, with his head propped up with a pillow. Eyes dull. "Riley?" I whispered. His eyes shot up and lightened when he saw me. He didn't have the breathing tube in his mouth now, instead he had a canular IV in his arm, only one machine and fresh bandages around his chest.

"Louisa" His mouth was audibly dry, I reached for the ice water on his bedside table and fed him through the straw. "Thanks".

"No. Thank you". I said. "If it wasn't for you. I'd be dead. Not that I wouldn't rather that" I mumbled.

"What? No don't think like that. I'm glad I'm here. I'd much rather be here than you. Its tough. I don't think you could handle it" He joked, attempting to wink.

"Now now. Not the type of behaviour from someone who cries at a splinter" I laughed, recalling what he told me a few days after I met him. He narrowed his eyes.

"That I told you in confidence". I laughed.

"I'm sorry Riley. I should never have tried to set you up. I didn't know it was your dad. I thought it was Mandy. I guess I was jealous after you slept with her. Even though I had no right to be. I used Christian to make you jealous, which is what he did also. I wanted you, but you didn't want me, or at least I thought you didn't. I slept with my boss because it was easier than finding a new job. I let you get shot because I ran away from my problems and didn't solve them. I'm a cheap jealous whore. I'm so sorry". I cried, breaking down, resting my head on the bed beside him. Riley lifted his arm and placed his hand in mine.

"There is no need for you to be sorry, Louisa". I looked up as he said my name. "Louisa". He said, looking into my eyes. "I Love You" He closed his hand around mine. "Not Mandy. Not anymore". I leaned over him, and gently pressed my lips to his.

"I Love you too, Riley". I laughed.

"What's funny?" He asked.

"It's the first time I've said that and felt good about actually meaning it".

"Well that's good then-" He coughed. "Nothing more embarrassing that being played by a female". I smacked his hand. I leaned into his ear, intentionally pushing out my chest.

"Karma's a bitch" I whispered and pulled away.

"That. Is. Unfair". I raised an eyebrow. "You cant do that. You have the unfair advantage of....of....of sex appeal!". He whined.

"And you don't?" He shook his head.

"Because I just look so sexy right now! I'm oozing with sex appeal".

"Well after you're out of here, you're gonna have some pretty good scars. Girls dig scars. Plus you're topless. So yeah, that's an advantage". I smirked.

"Calm down now! You can't just have me like that! I'm not a piece of meat. I have feelings!" He feighned hurt.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. I've seen you look better first thing in the morning". I poked my tongue out at him. He smirked in return. "By the way your dads here" I mumbled.

"What?!" He raised his voice before coughing. "Why is he here?!" He said.

"Because he loves you. He didn't have to come so be nice".

"It's not that. It's how did you get him to come?" I shrugged. I leant up to him and kissed his lips.

"I'm sending your dad in, be nice, or no more of these" I kissed him again. He pouted as I walked out of the door, and motioned for Mr. Cameronson to go in as I replaced his seat.

"Is he okay?" Mandy asked, looking green. I nodded.

"Mandy are you o-" She projectile vomited all over the corridor before us. She fell to her knees clutching her stomach. "Mandy?! Mandy?!" I held her up as she fell unconcious. "Somebody help please!" I screamed as nurses ran towards us.

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