Chapter Ten: The Dead Die Young

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I walked into the familiar house, throwing my keys into the familiar bowl, hanging my jacket on the familiar hook, I had been here so often it was unreal. He was my teacher, my ex, my ex teacher. That sounds weird! Thought. 'Darren?' I whispered.  

'Hmm?' He hummed oblivious to my state. 

'Thank you'. He smiled and wrapped his hands around my waist.  

'Don't thank me. You belong here'. He whispered into my ear.

I walked up the stairs into the bedroom and stripped off my jeans and t-shirt, once done, I threw on one of Darren's shirts. I smirked as I remembered the last ever time I was here, the night before "Daddy" found the ring. It was a romantic dinner, walk on the beach, until it rained. Typical. He took me home after, it was a fantastic, special night, then dad got home and decided that night was a great night to beat me, after he found the ring of course. My fractured wrists have healed now but my elbow is still clicky. I ran out of the house for the millionth time, this time I knew where I where I was going. I came back to Darren's where he bandaged my wounds.

I walked back down the stairs to find Darren on the phone, in the kitchen. I walked into the living room and sank back onto the couch. Darren was whispering which got me intrigued. He couldn't whisper to save his life. '...I'm sorry I can't talk right now. I'll call you tomorrow. Goodbye Sara' The world crashed around me. 'Hey! You okay?'. He smiled at me walking back in. I shrugged and nodded, sitting up. 'Good'. He put his arm around me. I shrugged it off. I got up and mumbled a good night and ran upstairs, running into the spare room and locking the door. I showered quickly and got into bed. Once settled there was a light knock at the door. 'Lou, are you okay? You seem'.  

'I'm fine!'. I yelled back. He let out an exasperated sigh and footprints signified his retreat. Two hours later I crept out of the room, going through the en suite into Darren's room. I uncooked the phone from the charging unit and snuck back into the spare room. I sat back on the bed and flicked through the messages. I went all the way back to the day in the diner. An hour after I had left the diner, there was a message from him to her saying "Hey Sara, I'm sorry for not replying, teaching fills my life now. RME(Roll My Eyes). Anyway I was wondering if you'd like to go and get coffee with me'. 

The conversation continued all the way until the next night where he wrote "I had a really great time with you today. I've missed you, maybe we can meet again this weekend?'. My heart felt like shattered glass. I threw the phone onto the bed and ran out of the house, not caring that I was only in a blue shirt and boxer shorts. The top came mid thigh so it wasn't too bad.





Lorelei P.O.V  

I woke up in Spencer bed. 'Huh? I wondered. Maybe I got so drunk I got into the wrong bed. I thought. I stretched out and placed my hand on what can only be described as a Wash Board Stomach. I sat up and groaned, throwing my head back onto the pillow. 'What is the matter with you?' He said. I raised an eyebrow. 'I save you from being raped and what do I get?' He rolled his eyes.  

'Why?' I mumbled.  

'Why what?' 

'Why did you save me?' I asked coldly. 

'Well despite us not being the best of buds. I don't hate you. I don't even dislike you-Well maybe a bit. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt'. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged me back but released straight after. 'Come on don't get soft. I'll make breakfast'.  

'Its 2am?'. I questioned.  

'Its still morning. Or would you prefer ice cream?' I smiled. He nodded. He returned with a litre tub of chocolate fudge brownie with two spoons. I sat back on the bed with Spencer beside me and we dug in whilst talking. About half an hour after we started reminiscing. 'Remember when you introduced me to your parents?' I laughed and he did too. 'Your mom was like "She's a monster! My boy, my precious boy is with a monster!"' I said through laughs. 

'My mom is still traumatised!' He said, composing a serious face. 'Hey Lore?'. 

'Hmm?' I said distracted by the spoon of ice cream. 

'Why did we break up?' I shrugged. 'I genuinely can't remember'.  

'Because of that huge argument. CJ told me that you were at the diner with that slut, I went down there it was true, I walked out, you followed, we argued, I dumped you' He nodded. 

'You do know that slut was my cousin Trix?' I raised an eyebrow and he smiled. 'Noone told you?' 

I shook my head. 'I'm sorry' I whispered.

'Me too' He said. I sat in comfortable silence of self hatred as he leant towards me and pressed his lips to mine.







I began walking the few miles back to campus and soon I was halfway there. I went into one other nearby liquor store and stole a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka. As soon as I was outside the shop my bare feet moved like the wind. I stopped 4 blocks away and walked at a worn out pace, only stopping to borrow a guys lighter. 'Thanks'. I said, taking a first drag of the stick. My phone buzzed in my bra. 'Hello?' I said pulling it out. It was Riley. He asked where I was. 'Mirabelle Estate'. He told me to get behind something metal, such as a dumpster. 'Why'

"Thursday night is shoot out night".

Not understanding, I did as he said and he replied that he would pick me up as soon as possible. I sat behind the smelly old dumpster waiting, listening. There were two sets of people. African American guys, minding their own business, looking after their girlfriends, mothers, children, siblings and the Nazi like guys. They had Nazi Swastika signs tattooed into the back of their heads. General racists. The were shouting disgusting words at the other guys, who were locking the doors. The Nazi guys pulled guns and began the firing. The other guys ducked behind the solid metal railings and pulled out their own pieces. It was terrifying, hearing the ear achingly loud popping of the cartridges.




I saw Riley pull up his car, motioning to stay where I was. I couldn't wait. I ran to Riley's car, it was across the lot. The Nazi guys were still shooting. This time, at me. Riley's eyes widened and hopped out of the car running towards me. It was like slow motion, he ran to try and cover me. His eyes bulge as his body jerked as the bullets entered his body. He reached out his hand towards me.

"Louisa". His voice ached as he slumped to the ground. 'Riley!' I screamed. I ran the rest of the way to him and cradled him in my arms. 'Riley, please don't leave me, please' I sobbed.  

'I-I love you Louisa'. 

'Dont say that. Say it to me tomorrow. Or when you're better. Please don't say it just because of this'. He chuckled and winced in pain. 'Say it Louisa. Please just say it' He begged. I heard the sirens of an ambulance in the background. I sobbed harder. 'I love you Riley' His eyes closed. 'No Riley, please please don't die on me. I need you. Please!' I looked around. 'Help! Someone please help me! Help. I cried out hysterically as I held Riley to me.



Much Love guys!!xx

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