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Ummm.... so here's another chapter. Enjoy

22th November 1994

It has been a few days since Cassie's birthday. They have been continuing their daily routine though Viktor rarely joined them as usual. He has been spending more time in library with other seventh year. It quite strange since Viktor had always avoiding library because he used to decline whenever the foursome asked him. The reason was the library was too quite for his liking and he preferred crowds. 

It was the day that everyone has been waiting for, the Triwizard Tournament. Students have been continuing their day like usual until the champions been called to the the tournament site. Viktor had informed them that the champions would be facing dragons. Celia warned Viktor not to harmed the dragon and only used the non lethal spells but enough to make the dragon stop or she would castrated him before wishing him good luck. Alec seemed to enjoyed when his sister threatened Viktor and he even suggested quite a few ideas at Celia. 

When the tournament finally started, Cassie blanked most if it while the others enjoyed it. She has been dreaming about her parents lately. It was frustrating for her to wake up in the middle of the night crying. And she can't contact Regulus because he would be worried of her. She also didn't want to burden her friends further with her problem so she kept it quite. She only snapped out of her daydream when Alec hugged her from behind and whispered on her ear telling her that the first round of tournament has over and they were waiting for the judges giving the champions points. She nodded and leaned back into the hug.

"My personal heater" said Cassie smiling as Alec tightened his hug. Alec shook his head at her behavior and flicked his wrist to cast a non verbal warming spell for both of them. After the judges giving their points, students went back to Hogwarts celebrating. Though one thought crossed Cassie mind as she piggy back Alec. The Hogwarts students were hypocrite. They were avoiding and some of them even created the Potter Stinks batch courtesy of the white blond hair boy from Slytherin shaming Harry Potter hoping he would lose. But when he survived the first challenge and like a flick of switch, the students supporting him and that idiot accepted it.

Once they arrived at Black Pearl, Celia send a stinging hex at Viktor. She even used the Avis spell at him before she cancelled it.

"Be glad that I only used Avis and stinging hex on you. I would rather castrated you but your parents needed you to continue the Krum legacy. I warned you to use non lethal spells at the poor dragon. But no you used Conjunctivitus Curse. And because of you, she crashed half of her eggs and her eyes, you gigantic oaf." rambled Celia as she cast another stinging hex at Viktor before continuing her rambling. Viktor just rubbed his neck while listening to her rambling. Celia is an animal lover, her dream is to be a magizoologist though mother wanted her to be a designer just like her but she still supported her dream.

While Celia rambling and casting spells at Viktor, Cassie and Alec joined Cheryl who were enjoying the 'show' with a glass of her favorite red wine on her right hand and another bottle of red wine floating next to her. Cheryl poured another glass of the wine before passed it to Cassie while Alec declined it.

"What's with the egg?" asked Cassie at her red headed friend when she noticed some seventh year student glanced at the egg. Cheryl then explained that earlier when Cassie and Alec took their 'sweet times' to reach the ship, Viktor opened the egg and it let out a terrible screeching sounds that male their ears hurt before he closed it. Cassie nodded at the information that she received before said "Whatever it is, I pretty sure, Karkaroff would let Viktor know about it. I doubt that he would let his champion to be left out in the dark even though it is against the rules but then again this is Karkaroff we talking about."