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Author's Note
I apologize for not updating lately. Thank you for  those who vote and read this books. Let's continue  with the story❤

2 days later.......

My little star,

How are you my daughter? I'm fine here but I do miss you too my daughter. I'm happy that you are chosen as part of delegation group. But I'm curious though. Irina informed me that Karkaroff had decided that all seventh year will go to Hogwarts to finish their final year. Why in the name of Merlin would you, Cheryl and the 'Terror Twins' were also chosen as the four of you are sixth year students? I pray to Salazar that nothing will happen to the four of you or Karkaroff would have another 'friendly visit' not just from me but your Uncle Mic and Uncle Leo too this time.

My star, I have some concern news for you. The ward in Grimmauld Place has been disturbed. I'm worried that death eaters has finally breached the wards. Kreacher has not been responding to my call too since the breach. I'm worried about him. But do not worried my star, I would investigate this thing further so therefore you just focus on your study.

My star, I want you to be careful when you arrived at Hogwarts. Hogwarts may be the safest place in the Wizarding World but since the Potter boy been there, it has been chaotic with the dark lord keep attacking the place every year. I have a feeling something would happen again this year. Remember to bring your wand and the two-way mirror with you all the time. Inform the others about this too. Protect yourself and you friends my little star for I'm having a bad feeling about the tournament. That's all for today my star. I'll be writing soon. I have to finish another paperwork. Right now I hate being an heir right now.

I love you my little star. Always and Forever,

Regulus Arturus Black.


The letter from her father was concerning. Cassie keeps pacing by the lake thinking about the letter that she received this morning. If the ward at Grimmauld Place has been breached, it would be a disaster. The Black Library is famous for the dark art books provided by its crazy ancestors. Moreover, she would be damned and let someone destroy her childhood home. She used to spend time there when she visited Grandma Walburga. 


It was 2 weeks after they left their house when Walburga showed up at their front door. Walburga who had heard about Sirius's capture decided to visit Valkyrie and Cassie. She was mad at the dark lord because she lost everything to him and she doesn't want to lose the only family member she has left. Regulus who did not expect the arrival of his mother had opened the door. Walburga fainted seeing her son who should have died two years ago standing in front of her in good health. 

After an hour full of yelling and tears, Walburga calmed down and Valkyrie explained everything to her while Regulus hide behind Valkyrie. Walburga was mad at herself. She was so blind to the belief in 'BLOOD PURITY' that she did not see her sons, Sirius and Regulus was miserable. She had forced both of them to be part of Death Eater and it end up with Sirius ran away from home while Regulus faked his own death because the only way out of Death Eater was to die. She was disappointed in herself for breaking her promise to her late husband, Orion. On that day, Walburga changed and start involving in her granddaughter's life more. Though she was disappointed to hear that Sirius has left Valkyrie and Cassie before his arrestment.


"BITCH!!! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN? WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!!"Cassie turned around at the familiar voice then grinned when she saw Cheryl and Celia run towards her and Alec walking behind them carrying a picnic basket in his hand.

 The two rushed forward to leave Alec and jumped on Cassie. They suffocated her with their bone breaking hugs. Alex watched the trio's behavior profusely.

"Peasant, hurry up and set the foods already." yelled Celia at her twin brother. Alec scowled at Celia and took an apple from the picnic basket before threw it at Celia's head. It caused both Cheryl and Cassie laughed at the twins behavior. The four of them settled down on the mat and start eating the foods. 

Cheryl who was eating an cherry pie which is her favorite start asking Cassie her whereabouts. Cassie took the letter from her father and give it to them. The trio read the letter silently to process the words on the letters before Alec start to talked.

"Uncle Reg does make a point. I mean think about it. We are the only sixth year students that were chosen to be part of delegation. Not that I disagree." he said and passed a bowl of mashed potato to Cassie.

"Urghhh, whatever. As long as I can go to the Yule Ball. Mother and Aunt Frans had designed dresses for us and I can't wait for it"say Cheryl.

"I guess. A toast to us. Hogwarts doesn't know what's gonna hit them" say Cassie and raised her strawberry milkshake.