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Grimmauld Place.....

"It's been a while, brother!" Regulus smirked at Sirius

"You! NO! How? BUT YOU'RE DEAD! The tapestry?" Sirius stood up from his seat and walked towards Regulus. 

"Magis brother. With magic anything is posible brother and of course a little help from your wife!" Regulus smile remembering his sister.

Sirius took out his wand and keep yelling Revelio at Regulus. The other were to stunned looking at Regulus afterall they all knew the stories of Regulus Black who died at the hand of Voldemort. But right now he was standing in front of them alive smirking at them. The younger generation didn't know who Regulus was just staring at him like he some kind of odd specimen. (A/N Note: A very hot specimen)  Meanwhile Cassie and her friends laughing at Sirius's reaction until Cassie decided that was enough so she stood up from her seat and walk towards her father.

"Let me introduce him. Meet Regulus Arcturus Black, my father. He may not be my biological father but he's more father than my sperm donor." Cassie smiled at Sirius.

"No... No... No.... NO! I'M YOUR FATHER, CASSIOPEIA LYRA BLACK. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS AT ME!" shout Sirius at Cassie and he grabbed her arm. Cassie winced when Sirius hold her arms tightly. Cassie pulled her arm and cradled it. Regulus marched at Sirius and punched his face. It caused  Sirius fall backward. Potter and the others moved to help Sirius. While Alec whistled, Cheryl and Celia stared at Regulus before clutching their stomavh laughing.

"It's feel good. I warned you before to not touch MY DAUGHTER, brother. Anyway you forgot Luna in her name. Her name is Cassiopeia Lyra Luna Black!" Regulus moved from Sirius and check on his daughter arm frowning when he saw a little bruise start to form.

"Sirius Orion Black, as the current head of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black it is my duty to announce that you are no longer a Black, by law, and magic itself. You may keep your last name as Black as it is what Grandma Walburga wanted before her death. You also may keep your inherintance from great uncle Alphard as he leave those for you. Please clear all your things from this house in a week, Sirius and the rest of you too. And Sirius can we talk in private?" Cassie said and walked towards the Black library sighing heavily.

Back at the kitchen, Regulus grabbed Sirius arm and told him to watch his words when talking at Cassie. If he feel something's wrong withh Cassie, he won't hesistate to curse him using the darkest spell in Black grimoire. Sirius nodded as he wiped his bleeding nose. Remus used episkey to heal his broken nose earlier.


As Sirius walked towards library, he think all the possibilities that make Cassie to disinherited him. Why Cassie choose Regulus as her father instead of him? He feel empty when the Black magic in him leaving his body. His magic was still there but his family magic were no longer there. Even though he can still keep his family name and his inherintance from Uncle Alphard, he still worried whether it was enough for Harry and the Order. Now that he need to move out from Grimmauld, the Order would have to find new place too. He walked into the library watching as Cassie standing in front of the fire place with a glass of red wine in her hand.


It was an awkward silence between the two of them before Cassie started the conversation.

"Why? Why did you married mother if you didn't love her? Why did you married her only to leave her to be with that woman?"


"Even you didn't have an answer huh! You know mother had always love you from the bottom of her heart. She love you so much that it destroyed her. She cried watching you with another woman while she waited for you at home with me. Heck you was not there when I was born. You only returned home a month later. Did you know that Grandma Walburga was the one who helped mother when she was pregnant with me. She was the one helping mother to go to the hospital while you out there enjoying with that woman of yours. And yet you told everyone that Grandma Walburga was a vile woman. Yes, indeed she WAS a vile woman who abused you when you was a child. But she regret it when she lost you and papa!"

"Why did you call Regulus Papa? I'm your father then why did you call him that?"

"For Salazar sake! I talked about how Grandma Walburga changed, about how you treated mother and the first thing you asked was WHY I CALL REGULUS PAPA?"

"Answer the damn question, Cassiopeia!"

"Wow... You really impressed me Sirius. I always know  you're dumb but not this dumb! You really want to know? Fine! Regulus Black's more father than you ever be, Sirius. He was there for mother after she left you. He raised me. He was there during my first accidental magic. He was there teaching me, watching over me. HE WAS THERE WHEN MOM DIE DURING MY NINTH BIRTHDAY!"

Sirius was shocked to hear that Valkyrie was dead. He watch as Cassie fall to the ground crying as he was about to go to her, the door of the library was thrown open. Regulus walked inside the library glaring at his brother before went to Cassie's side and hug her letting she cried into his chest.

"Mother love you until the very last breath. Why? Why did you do this to her? Why did you married her only to hurt her? WHY? I HATE YOU! I HATE THAT YOU KEEP HURTING HER EVEN AFTER YOU LEFT US! I HATE THAT SHE FUCKING LOVE YOU AFTER EVERYTHING!"

"Cassie? Little star? Breathe ok. Breathe."

Regulus called for Kreacher. He told Kreacher to bring Alec into the library. After a while, Alec came running into the room. One look inside the room making him run towards Cassie and brought her into bridal style. He nod at Regulus before walked out the library leaving both Sirius and Regulus there.
