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This is jus a short chapter before the Yule Ball... Enjoy.(*^-^*)

25th December 1994.......

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was cabin belong to the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost.

Yule has finally arrived. Everyone was buzzing with excitement preparing for it. Some students decided to play snow fight while waiting for the ball to take place later that evening. Alec thought it was a good idea to join in the fun. They don't have their training that morning as they were exchanging gift in the girls' cabin room.

That morning, Alec barged in their room early jumping on them to wake them up. It's like a ritual for Alec to wake them up by jumping on their sleeping bodies. All of them receive gifts from their parents. Then they trade the gift to each other.


The foursome went out onto the grounds in the afternoon; the snow was untouched except for the deep channels made by the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students on their way up to the castle. They saw some of the Hogwarts student were there enjoying themselves and a few students just stand at the side watching their friends.

They decided to stay away from those students and instead they stick to making snow man. And it turned into a competition between the foursome. As Cassie enjoying making a snowman, a snowball was thrown at her face. Celia and Cheryl gasped while Alec looking for the perpetrator. Then he saw the red hair twins that tried to enter the Triwizard Tournament and failed laughing their heads off while the Potter boy tried to hold on his laughter but failing badly.

He marched at them with his wand out. When the trio saw Alec, they straight up and tried to apologize but Alec grabbed one of the twins collar and pushed his wand at his neck. The other twin, the dreadlocks boy, Potter boy, another red hair boy and a bushy brown hair all come near them tried to stop Alec. But Alec menacing glared stopped them. Cassie, Cheryl and Celia quickly went to Alec side after they cast the hot air charm at Cassie's clothes and hair.

"You stupid red hair! Tell me why I should stop sending a Confringo at you right now for throwing snow ball at my sister." he stop when a cough was heard from his right side. He turned his head and saw Cheryl raised her perfect eyebrow. He was confused until he remember that he said about the hair color which is the same tone as Cheryl. "Errr... no not you, my Cheryl. Your hair's long, wavy beautiful ginger hair." he tried to explain at Cheryl and finally released his breath when Cheryl nodded. 

"Release him Alec. We got better things to do other than hexing that stupid boy." say Celia uninterestingly as she observing her nails and thinking about visiting the thestrals that reside in the Forbidden Forest which she heard from Uncle Reg stories. She was thinking maybe she could went to the Hogwarts kitchen to ask for some meats that's it if she can find the kitchen or she could just summon her house elf, Minty and asked for meats. She should discussed this further with her friends once they settle the current issues.

Alec rolled his eyes hearing his sister unbothered tone and released the twin's collar. The twin went back to his other twin side and fixed his clothes. The foursome were about to walk away until the Potter boy demand they to apologize at the twins for threatening them. They stopped and looked at each other silently asking whether the Potter boy was stupid or something. They were the one who started it and now he asked for them to apologize instead of them apologizing. 

"I think you the one who should apologize. You're the one who throw the snow ball at my Cassie's face. And because of you, her hair was ruined. And who the hell are you people?" say Cheryl with a scowl on her face. 

"What did you say? We're the one who should asked that. " say the red hair boy as he marched towards Cheryl but stopped by the Potter boy.

"Are you deaf or something? Let me tell you again then. You people should be the one who apologize to the her, after all she is the Black Heiress. And you people should bow to her." exclaimed Cheryl rolling her eyes with both her hands on her waist. But the red hair boy and his friends were shocked. 'What did I say?' though Cheryl. Meanwhile her friends face palmed themselves as she revealed Cassie's identity to the Potter boy when clearly they told her not to.

"Cheryl, darling, my sweet heart. What did we told you about Cassie identity before we arrived at Hogwarts?" asked Celia with a strained smile on her face as she restrained herself not to pull the confused girl's cheeks. Cheryl thinking very hard on the things they told her. She may be an ace in charms but that doesn't mean she ace in remembering other things. Then her face change from confusion to realization. She scratched her hair and apologized to Cassie.

"I guess the cat's out of bag now. Well, you heard that right, Potter." say Cassie as she facing the Potter boy.

"Black, Cassiopeia Black" 
