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24th February 1995.......

The day of the second task has arrived. The seats that had encircled the dragons' enclosure in November were now ranged along the opposite bank, rising in stands that were packed to the bursting point and reflected in the lake below. The excited babble of the crowd echoed strangely across the water. While the judges, who were sitting at another gold-draped table at the water's edge waiting for the last champion to arrive.

Cassie noticed that *Bagman gave Potter's shoulder a quick squeeze and returned to the judges' table; he pointed his wand at his throat as he had done at the World Cup, said, "Sonorus!" and his voice boomed out across the dark water toward the stands.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One...two...three!"

The whistle echoed shrilly in the cold, still air; the stands erupted with cheers and applause; without looking to see what the other champions were doing, Potter pulled off his shoes and socks, pulled something out of his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and waded out into the lake. And all of the champions went into the lake to save their treasure one. All students waiting patiently for the champions to reemerged from the lake.

After 20 minutes, someone emerged from the lake. It was the champion from Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour. A merpeople then took her to the ground. Madam Maxime then had to restrained her when she tried to went back into the lake to save her sister. Cheryl tensed when she heard Gabrielle name. Even though she hate her maternal family but that didn't mean she want that child to die or something maybe a little maimed Cassie thought. Then Viktor reemerged from the water along with his treasure, the girl who Cassie identified as one of Potter's friend.

Cassie then tuned out most of the event that happened remembering a letter she received from her papa that morning. Her familiar, Hermes flew into their cabin room making Cheryl chasing him around before he landed on Celia's head. Celia who was so engrossed with her book didn't even noticed the new weight on her head. Hermes has been flying in the Forbidden Forest and therefore he would rarely in their cabin room, the same thing happened to her other familiar, Hades. They usually came to the ship whenever they missed Cassie.


Dear my little star,

How are you? I'm sorry for not able to write letters to you everyday. I've been busy looking for clues on who breaking into the Grimmauld Place. I've been trying to visit the place but it seem like the ward around the house has change. I did somehow manage to enter the house and confirmed that there were someone living there. And you never guess who! It was my stupid, idiotic (and a lot of swears words that I would to include but your Uncle Mic was standing right next to me keep hitting the back of my head everytime I wrote it down so I can't wrote it and your Uncle Leo laughing his ass off) brother. I wanted to confront him but your Uncle Mic and Uncle Leo were somehow managed to stun me and left Grimmauld Place. And you know the nerve that guy have for inviting Dumbledore into the house. Mother would rolling in her grave if she knew.

Anyway back to the topic, I want you to be careful when you at Hogwarts now. If  Dumbledore sheltered an escaped prisinor like him, there's a big chance he could be at Hogwarts by the time you receive this letter.  Tell the others the same things to. Be careful and protect eachh other, my little star. And enjoy your time there ok my little star. I love you.

Always and Forever,

Regulus Arcturus Black.


"-sie, -ssie, Cassie, Cassiopeia!"she was brought back to reality when she heard Cheryl calling for her. "Earth to Cassiopeia"muttered Cheryl before turning around to annoy the hell out of Celia. Celia saw Cheryl with a smirk painted on her face quickly walked away with Cheryl trailling behind her before jumping on her back. Luckily for both of them, Celia was able to withstand the attack or else both of them would be kissing the ground right now. She adjusted Cheryl hold on her back before walking towards their ship. Cheryl happily swinging her legs while humming a song.

Cassie then noticed that everyone was moving towards the hall indicating the second round of the Triwizard Tournament has ended and she once again missed it, it's not like she care. Now all they have to do is waiting for the final round of the deadly tournament. Alec offered her a piggy back ride back to their ship which Cassie happily accept. They talked about the moat potential winner of the tournament on their way back. Both of them have a strong feeling that somehow Potter would win it. But they can't denied feeling uneasy as the tournament reach to an end.

The day where everything will change in the wizarding world.
