chapter 2

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*keeping up a serious persona with Disney Channel in the background*

The gangplank creaked and wobbled as i made my way through a mass of people boarding the ship. but thank god , the intercom crinkled with comforting static, informing us of our current stable positioning on the dock. I stumbled up, dragging my dejected bag behind me , as yet another person walked into me. "I'm short , not invisible" i grumble, sending an icy gaze at the back of him. I heard a giggle behind me , and glanced back to see my little brother Dave and couldn't help smiling . i love that kids guts.

As mistaken by probably most of you reading this , i am, actually one of the happiest people on earth , not a grumpy , crust soul of a human being as it may appear *sarcasm is my native language i apologize*. I'm talking getting excited over flashing lights , bright colours and music chords. Yes. I know , i know.

Hundred Watt smile on my face , I giggle and grab hold of Dave's hair and ruffle it until it settles into a massive pile of curls.

"Bells , my HAIR" he whines , and tugs his hands through it, "you're just jealous because i got the looks and you got nothing" he finishes with a playful smirk.

Suddenly, we hear frantic shuffling and wheel squeaking hastily approached from behind us. We both turn around curiously only to see my mom running up towards us , passports in hand and a nervous grin on her face. i love her guts too.

"Okay , okay , okay Bella , Dave , have you got your bags ?!" she gestured wildly and pushed her straight dark hair off her forehead in exasperation.

"to be very honest , even if had left my bag behind , isn't it a bit late now since we are already half way into the ship ?" i add smiling as my brother laughs

"But of course, we cannot apply that logic to this situation because my bags are right here" i add quickly seeing her exhausted expression, "TA DA" enthusiastically, i gesture towards the dreaded bright yellow suitcases following me like a shadow.

The statement was enough to satisfy her , for now that is , and while we make our way towards the door of the ship , i study her tired face.

Many say i got my looks from my mom , but oh would i kill to have her straight hair and green eyes , i think enviously as i tug at my wild mane and blink my dark eyes irritably. I believe that once , my eyes were compared to pools. "Mud pools?" was my response. Now , who says i cant flirt ?

The door was hastily approaching. All i could hear was the shuffling of clothes, the crackle of the intercom. The soft hum of excited conversation , the thickness of the sea air. An air con blew softly onto my face and all i could see was the patterned carpet beneath my feet and the crowds of international passengers.

i pull my headphones from my pocket , and place them in my ears , as we wait in line. the soft buzz of The 1975 filled my head and i grab my phone with a flourish.

As the bright screen lights up , i cringe at the incoming messages from home , that i had been trying oh so hard to avoid. As my thumb reached towards the keyboard, i glance up momentarily at the ship. This was hardly ordinary. I think hard for a second, then *click* the screen goes blank.

"i don't need you" i think sternly, pointing in mock anger towards the device.

All i need, is a break.

and what better a way to avoid a disappointing reality , than being in the middle of the ocean ?

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