Chapter 25

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You know when its evident that the night is at the end ? Like when you can start scrambling for things to say , and looking for something to do , anything really, just so that you don't have to say goodbye ?

Well, we were doing exactly that. Remember when I first arrived and pondered about the plaque with the dates ? Mystery solved. We followed the maintenance man around all fourteen storeys to see exactly how and when the plaques change. After an hour or two of shuffling after him sheepishly, he finally stepped into the elevators, lifted up the plaque and replaced it. To which we all cheered loudly.

So yes , even we knew we had to say goodbye. "But just now" "A few minutes still" "Just wait a while"

But eventually we did run out of excuses, and standing at the foot of the elevator , tears streaming , we said goodbye to Sophia. She buried her face in my dress and choked through her sobs about how much she was goin to miss us all. We all kept a brave face until the lift door closed , and she was out of sight, and then some of the boys let out a little tear.

"Damnit , it was because she cried , I just couldn't.. Damnit Sophia !" exclaimed Tom , irritably wiping at the tears on his cheeks.

I knew the night was winding down and I had the horrible feeling of the sand in a hourglass slowly running out. We were sitting in the 24/7 pizza shop on the main floor , watching the black shop windows and the slow moving worker behind the counter, and it reflected exactly how we all felt. It was ending.

Smiling sleepily at them , I saw Dan look at his watch and grimace. I stared firmly on the table surface and heard his chair scrape back and heard him sigh as he looked for the right words to say goodbye ( because really, is there any way to say goodbye like that ? ).

I heard him clear his throat finally and ask if I wouldn't mind coming with him to his room because "mine was on the way". It really wasn't on the way. In fact , it was on a different floor and side of the ship.

One thing I also knew , with a sinking feeling is that , if I left with Dan , that I was saying goodbye to everyone else. I stood and hugged everyone firmly and tightly , and promised to text and without saying anything else , I turned my back and walked. I was never very good at saying goodbye.



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