Chapter 22

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Eeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk xD


I was never one for playing mind games of the middle school genre; avoiding feelings, skirting around confessions , childish games of hypothetical questionings, etc. I prefer my relationship tactics to be similar to that of a train: obvious, straight forward and unavoidable.

This transcended to how I handled the Dan situation. I could see how I affected him , girlfriend or not, and I wanted to know EXACTLY what was going on. I am full of mental bravado, however at home , I tend to be shyer and insecure (obviously). But I was never going to see him again and so I was filled to the brim with confidence.

I'm lying completely about the confidence thing , but didn't it sound so believable ? So with shaking hands and my cringe worthy honesty , I decided to attack Dan as soon as I got the chance. We had been walking behind the group and I seized my chance and began to slow my steps to distance myself from everyone else. Dan slowed down as well and I couldn't help mentally cheering at the petty victory.

Okay okay okay now or never. Go Bells go-

"Hey uh can I just quickly ask you something just like quick?" I blurted out , my face turning red.

"Obviously go ahead" he reassured me, but he also looked uneasy at my strange behaviour.

"So someone told me that you might possibly have feelings for me?"

I may have chickened out on the whole "complete honesty" thing.

My heart pounded in my ears and I couldn't even look at him.

"Wh-who told you that?" He stumbled through his words, looking shocked and I fumbled for some excuse, until I saw how nervous he was and my confidence grew. I whirled around to face him, grabbing his arm in the process.

"Doesn't matter. So ? Is it true ?" I looked directly into his eyes to try and see the truth in them , trying not to get distracted by our proximity. After an agonisingly length of time , he sighed.

"Okay yes I do , kinda maybe do, but its complicated because of the whole-" he waved his hands in the air vaguely.

"Girlfriend." I finished for him , looking away from him and feigning interest in anything else.

"I get it. Don't worry Dan."

Now it was me who reassured him, when I saw the panicky look in his eyes. He smiled quickly and averted his eyes.

"But yeah. It's really true," He blurted out , his own cheeks changing colour as he tried to revive the smile I had on my face before.

"You're um, you're great Bells," He breathed these last words out rapidly and I had to contain myself from squealing. I just smiled sweetly and let go of his arm.

"Pity about that girlfriend then , isn't it ?" I sighed dramatically , shooting a glance at him to gauge his reaction.

"Because you know.. We still have one night left."

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