chapter 18

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I had long abandoned the fancy dress for a towel and a bikini , and I stretched languidly against the edge of the jacuzzi and sighed happily. I peered down , and flexed my toes in the bubbling water , and thought of him.

I had now accepted that my affections towards him were not platonic , after Sophia said that I was in undeniable denial. Reluctantly accepted.

I flitted my eyes unconsciously towards Dan who was sitting opposite; his eyes looked almost black in the dark. He caught me and I looked away quickly towards Sophia , but before I could , a splash of water hit me squarely in the mouth and I spluttered in indignation. I coughed and turned towards Dan who was smirking and avoiding my steely gaze. I felt another spurt of water drip down my face , and in groaned in exasperation.

"WHAT do you want ?!" I was tired, and quite frankly, was annoyed, regardless of my feelings. He smiled condesendingly and flicked more water in my face.

"You're so annoying," I sung out as I stood up out of the jacuzzi and walked down the deck.

"Not my fault that you look really pretty when I throw water at you!" He called out , his voice wavering near the end of his confession. I flushed furiously and my heart sped, but I continued my determined stride away , without missing a step.

"Bells okay , ignore Dan for all I care, but we are about to play twenty questions and I know you're a nosy bastard so you better stay ," Tom called out obnoxiously from his spot between Grace and Lucas. I halted in my walk , and turned reluctantly.
"Fine , but only because of Tom's insistence ," I reply , with a haughty look towards Dan. I felt his wink and my blush follow soon after.

"Okay so who's first ?"
"Not me , I'm boring as hell !"
"I concede"
"Oh shut up Dan"
"How about we all ask a question each and then the next person goes and so on and -"
"How diplomatic of you Tom"
"Oh shut up Dan"

"Okay fine , I'LL go first," I decide finally , interrupting the bickering between the boys.

"Never have I ever .. Skydived, "
"Never have I ever kissed a girl"
"Oh come on Dan , confess"
"How old do you think i am ?!"
"Old enough" (that was my contribution)

"Moving on !" Lucas called hurriedly as I noticed he hasn't put down his fingers to either of the questions. Nawwww sweet.
"Let's try another method shall we ?" Tom looked mischievous and my stomach twisted. Shit.
"Okay let's first say , put down your hands if you're single , just to see what cards we got. And you suckers never tell me anything anyways so now we have to use unorthodox methods" he sneered at us and looked pointedly at everyone's guilty expressions.

Of course , I lowered my hand (perpetually alone) and I hardly expected any surprises. I knew that Tom had a girlfriend whom he adored , Grace was shy so that possibility was quite unlikely , and Dan .. Well.

My heart beat hard once and I sent a silent prayer , but to no avail. I watched in horrible car crash slow motion as Dan's hand wavered, but remained firmly raised. He lifted his head and looked into my shocked eyes and smiled sheepishly.

"Nearly two years now , what can I say?" he said this nervously while rubbing his neck and his eyes kept skirting to me. I looked studiously away and watched the deck blankly as my feelings go straight down the drain.

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