chapter 20

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"Will you go to Prom with me ?"

Oh the words every girl wants to hear from their crush during their highschool career. South Africa doesn't exactly do 'prom' , however I had watched quite enough very bad American movies to understand the importance and secretly , I had always wanted to go to one. And of course , every guys hopes of the response of -

"Dan , what the hell ?!"

I choked on my straw as those words were uttered by the sheepish boy sitting across from me. We had been sitting by the pool lazily for a while to escape the heat and I was just about to take a sip of a very deserving smoothie until Dan had decided this was the most appropriate time to ask me to Prom.

"Don't be ridiculous ," I spluttered and coughed violently as his face grew redder and sweatier with each protest and I wondered if the reason his face was sweating was less to do with heat and more to do with -
No. Bells. Girlfriend ?! Hello ?! I quickly swallowed the dregs of hope that were forcing their way up my throat.

On the fifth night on this cruise , it was a tradition to have a very American Prom in order to solidify friendships and all those wonderfully cheesy montage related ideals. Of course , all my friends had scoffed and thrown out sarcastic comments of noncommittal nonchalance , but as the time drew closer , I could visibly see the anxiety in the girls who had not yet been asked. Personally , I had the most awful vision of being the only one walking in alone , and of course , stumbling and suffering a horrendous wardrobe malfunction. Obviously.

But still , I couldn't possibly go with Dan , especially because he had asked me to simply have someone to take and not because he wanted to take me. That wardrobe malfunction sounds a hell of a lot more appealing than a night of me swooning over him in hideous unrequited affections.

"Don't be ridiculous, " I repeated sternly with my eyes diligently fixed on my straw , "I couldn't possibly go with you. Imagine how awkward ! What even drove you to ask me such a question ?" His face fell so quickly and recovered so fast that I almost swore I imagined it.

"I actually genuinely wanted you to go with me Bells ," he said hesitantly , his eyes now diligently fixed on my straw , "but it's okay , I will ask Sophia , if it's that much of a horror .." He trailed off with a bitter undertone as he dared to send a quick fierce gaze.

Oh god he had been serious. Oh god Bells , how did you screw this up ?! I feebly reached for his fingers in comfort , but he drew his hand away quickly.

"Wait no Dan -"
"It's fine Bells honestly. Go with Tom. I know he wanted to go with you anyways ," his honest words did not disguise the hurt in his voice and he left me stunned and I had to watch him walk away again as I once again , was left speechless by this most utterly confusing, beautiful boy.

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