chapter 7

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I know it's slow paced , but. but. IT WILL GET BETTER I PROMISE.

Finally , the whistle blows and I breathe an audible sigh of relief. Half of the players , mumbling and grumbling about the definite unfairness of the game outcome , the other half preening in the victory. The twins , Sophia and I get up slowly and I hear tired bones cracking and we wince simultaneously. Looks like I'm going to get along with them after all.

Clifford locks eyes with Sophia and makes his way with purpose towards us. "It's coming" I mutter glumly. A noise comes from the twins throat , and I look at their wide eyes that are now twinkling with mirth. "Oh girly , you're definitely on my team when the time comes !" Rose grabs my arm and pulls me towards her in a suffocating hug. I squeak indignantly and fight against her burly arms , but eventually a laugh bubbles up in my throat and out , and I give in to the affectionate gesture.

Sophia is now engaged in a relaxed conversation that spoke of familiarity, with Clifford. He's using a lot of hand gestures and she's smiling a lot more than normal. I frown. I know his type. And I know hers. She's far too soft for his hard heart. She looked at him like he was the sun and he looked at her like he knew he was. I studied him slowly , eyes crinkled and forehead wrinkled. A big head on a bendable body. Higher collar than his ego , pants as watertight as his confidence and blue eyes as see through as his cocky act. Beneath the mop of carefully placed hair was someone who was just as soft as my heart became at the realization.

He says a final word to her , throwing his hand up with a open teethed smile. She smiles , unnecessarily big and unnecessarily wide. Their strides lengthen , and within a few seconds , he was so close , that I could TASTE his cologne. He flashes a blindingly dull smile at me , and after introductions were made , my first impression had proved dauntless to my second. He was indeed , a shy sensitive guy hidden beneath excessive amounts of body spray and flirtatious smiles. The kind of boy that could make you feel special and isolated all at the same time. But , I have to give it to him , he was definitely charming.

Poor Sophia , I think as I see her futile attempts at trying to catch his attention only for him to dazzle her for a second then turn his rays somewhere else. She doesn't even know she's doing it. By now , I had well and enough learnt that no matter what you tell someone , when , how much they ask for it or how true it may be , people will only listen to what they want to hear. And undeniably so , Sophia did not want to hear of her inevitable heartbreak.

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