chapter 13

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I had to stop waking up like this , I thought with a groan as I shielded my eyes against the unyielding light. A smile danced across my face at the memories of another great night. I also needed to stop doing that.

We had taken to calling ourselves the curfew crew after discovering the existence of it and our attempts to defy it. We had downed strawberry smoothies like they were the vodka shots we really wanted , no needed , and the conversation had taken an unfortunate turn. Tom had a fascination with Dans ass and hadn't hesitated to make it known , after insisted his preference for females.

Dans face was sheepish and oh so innocent , completely bewildered by the attentions. I had been tempted to see what the fuss was all about , but his pleading face persuaded me otherwise. I politely declined Toms insistence on me doing so , and Dans grateful expression was all I needed. I could check it out another time anyways.

Wedidn't talk per se , our conversing mostly happened indirectly. He would make an observation followed by a cheeky comment and I would respond with an equally cheeky one , and out gazes would lock, but quickly be dismissed as nothing more than the vertex of wandering eyes. I could wait.

But I'm starved for information , I think dryly as my stomach rumbles.

"TOAST ?" I yelled across the hall as people stare at me in horror at either my lack of shame or my lack of dress. No response from Dave. Frowning , I dart across the hallway and slam my hand against the varnished wood. Was he deaf ?!

The loud unfamiliar fog horn blasted into my still half functioning ear drums and I send a ferocious glare in the general direction of the noise. Now , it he didn't hear that , he is deaf. I resisted the urge to barge in and shake him out of his sleep , but I didn't. Just because I couldn't sleep , doesn't mean everyone else can't.

Grumbling to myself , I made my way towards the lobby , deciding that it was time to explore. I had woken up , more optimistic than ever before and had decided that after months of food that was practically indigestible , it was time to exercise. I could no longer avoid it. However , fate was on my side , not my bodys , and after roaming the floor that had promised a running track , and not finding anything vaguely running track-like, I assumed the universe just didn't want me to exercise today and let's just say , I didn't put up much of a fight.

Because of this early wake up call , which might has well be put to good use , I had gone to the top most floor of the ship and sat. Just sat. I don't think that people have a high enough appreciation for just sitting. I could see the ocean on every side of me , a never ending shifting sea. The wind whipped my hair into a frenzy and my clothes were in a jumble and it was awesome.

I pulledmy pocket to check for my phone and was surprised to find it still there (the perks of being the permanently distracted) and glanced at the time.

He should be up now , so then I can to the lounge and we can pretend to not notice each other even though I could feel his stare on me and he surely had to find mine.

According to our behavior , from an outside view , we were friends , close friends , in fact Sophia sighed more often than not exasperated at our ability to have a conversation , even though no words were spoken and just glances were exchanged. Her attention had quickly been caught by him , much had many girls on the ship , to my dismay. Not that I could blame them. Not even the least bit.

However , he seemed indifferent to the attention and treated them equally ,

And I was scared the same was happening to me.

But that's where all possible similarities with the other girls ended. They were Sophia clones , devoid of her personality , but still managing to capture her charming smile and fun nature. I had attempted communication on several occasional, but my words were met with blank faces , bright smiles and dim responses.

To be honest , I had had more interesting conversations with my iPhone.

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