chapter 21

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That's the park , in case anyone was curious.


I wiped my sweaty hands quickly before the elevator could open and my embarrassment thus be exposed to my entire friendship group. I hadn't stopped sweating since I had left the comforting air conditioning of my room and it was becoming increasingly annoying. Unfortunately, my hands just slipped on the silk of my dress, and i was left with even sweatier hands. I once again pulled the waistband of the dress up, and wondered how on earth my aunt had managed to guilt me into taking her beautiful DESIGNER dress, as much as I had refused it politely. However, I hadn't ever worn anything designer or even vaguely like it, so I had to admire it and grudgingly admit that yes, it was a most beautiful dress, even if it sagged a little by my boobs.

Turns out, our entire group had actually all decided to go dutch, and therefore basically all together. I couldn't help being relieved that I didn't have to watch Dan dancing with Sophia and I actually now had an excuse for not having a partner. I was actually really excited for the Prom to be frank. What time were we meeting again? But as i thought that, I heard the laughter drifting down the hall.

After getting obligatory strawberry smoothies (I had two), we now tried to find the actual venue, which involved going down the bar floor of the ship, which of course I was very enthusiastic about. We reached the club, after a very awkward extended walk through the casino, to many confused glances from the gamblers. The club was lit up with streaks of red throughout, the light bouncing off the various chains and bars hanging on the walls. I think the club's theme was a dungeon, but I don't think anything about torture and bad lighting inspires one to dance. Personally. There wasn't any formal entrance and it definitely looked abandoned, but of course, the flamboyant counceller was present, playing his part of a 'menacing' bouncer. 

Dan and I had spent the majority of the night collapsing in fits of laughter over him bumping into everyone in the casino, apologizing loudly and muttering obscenities under his breath, and me trying to find a place to put my smoothie somewhere and deciding to awkwardly balance it on a plant outside the country themed club and wobbling away. He hadn't said anything since then, so I looked around for him and found him leaning against the wall, already looking at me. Oh god, eye contact is electric. He's messing with me, I thought and pressed my cold hands to my flushed face. Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend. 

.                        .                        .                      .                     .                       .                      .                    .                .                 .

I settle back against the velvet couch and absently run my fingers over it. I look longingly at the bottles of vodka on the unattended bar shelf, but tear my eyes away to look at the dance floor. There were cameras situated on the dance floor walls and I could watch everyone making a fool of themselves on the camera by the bar. I just couldn't sum up the energy to maintain rhythm and stability, plus.. Dan was here, with me. Dan was sitting, alone, voluntarily (I think?), so so so very close to me that I could feel every whisper in the cushion when he shifted slightly. We weren't alone by a long shot, I could reach out and flick Tom's head as he sits on the other couch, but still. Oh beautiful solidarity. Oh pathetic unrequited crushing. I rolled my eyes and suddenly felt very childish.

I suddenly sat up, but the couch sprung up and I ended up half on Dan's lap, against my will. I scrambled to get up, but he was in no hurry so he chuckled and sat back on the couch causing me to only fall more fully on him. I could feel all of him, wHiCh WaS nEw and I blushed and tried once again to untangle my legs and sit up.

"Did you do that on purpose or?"

He gave one of his very rare smirks and his warm hands settled on my hips once again to help me off his lap. I thought he was making fun of me so I lifted my chin defiantly and turned so that I was looking directly into his eyes, a breath away from his face. Two can play at this game, Dan.

"Did you?"

I lifted my one eyebrow and let my gaze deepen. I still hadn't moved off his lap and I felt more and more aware of it as the silence stretched for what seemed like ages. Tom let out a raucous laugh at someone's joke and my vision widened and I noticed how very surrounded by people we were. The spell broke and he looked away with a very fake laugh, followed by my very awkward giggle as I tried to clamber off his lap with my dignity intact. My legs shook slightly as I strode away from him without a second glance. As the music washed over me, a slow smirk spread over my face as I swung hips with purpose and hoped that he was watching. This time, I had won.

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