The Kinky Intruder

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The neutral tone boy took the erotic book his blond boyfriend found in his room, the spaz fidgeted with buttons of his shirt, "Ack! Why can't I read Craig?" the boy brushed him off and he opened the bookmarked page, he began reading, 

"The sexy virgin brunette thrashed in the plastic that bound her the bedframe. The friction of plastic on flesh made her wrists and ankles raw. Her screams were muffled by the man's dirty underwear held in place with a leather belt. The only thing Lisa Victim could taste was the saltness where the intruder's balls once were homed. Her throat became dry and raw from the muffled screams. Her tears were swallowed by the tightly fasten blindfold that pinched the bridge of her nose. The floorboards squeaked under the weight of the masked intruder, a ruffling sound could be heard as he set something on the end of the bed in between her legs. The brunette gasped at the icy touch of the blade on her thigh, "Stop fightin' or I'll tear your insides up with this knife," Lisa Victim froze. Obediently she stopped her struggle to prevent bodily harm. The blade inched closer to her red lacy panties, the coldness teasing her scared her and thrilled her. The blade sawed through the delicate fabric, she held her breath. The remains of the covering were stripped away as he yanked away letting drop to the floor, his warm hands parted her thighs further. The warmth of his hand contrasted with the iciness of the blade. A whimper escaped Lisa Victim's throat. Licking his lips her spread the moist slit, the man's hot breath fanned against her vagina. She began to struggle to try to get the pervert away from her sensitive regions, in causation his beefy fingers thrust inside of her. She screamed, arching her back. She wouldn't even let her boyfriend touch her like that nor does she masturbate. Tears prickled her eyes at the new sensation unable to adjust to the intrusion before two of his finger rammed repeatedly inside of her. Her struggling only made the pain worse. 

After a few minutes of assaulting her with his digits, he returns to inhaling the musk of her vaginal fluids. A moan escaped her as he began to caress her inner lips with his tongue, bobbing his head the man devoured her like a piece of juicy tenderloin. A twinge of emptiness flooded Lisa Victim's sense's as he extracted the muscle, a pleading whimper fled her gagged lips. She wanted more. She loved the feeling of being used by a stranger while her boyfriend is away on a trip to visit his sick grandmother in San Francisco. The man unfurls the object between her legs, expecting a condom of some sort she grows excited for what is about to come next. Instead of a penis, she meets with the fuzzy sensation of something being strapped onto her groin held together with an adhesive tape. She grows frustrated by not being brutally assaulted, struggling against the material, "Relax sexy, it's just a diaper," she grumbled, she didn't know what pleasure she would get by wearing something made of infants and the elderly. He removes the makeshift gage, pulling the wet underwear from her mouth, "What? You're ruining the fun," her mouth ached from the gag, she huffed, "Why a diaper?" a chuckle rumbled from the intruder, his warm hand rubs her stomach, "I want you to wet yourself," heat flood her features, she croaked, "W-wet my-myself?" the man caught her chin in a vice-like grip, "I don't like repeating myself,". The man forced the underwear back into her mouth, fastening shut with his belt. 

The man stroked himself as he watched the bound woman thrash in her binding, his saliva, and cum as a lubricant to glide against his length. Hours amidst her struggle, she felt her bladder swelled after holding it in so long. She squinted her eyes at the unfamiliar sensation of warmth that welcomes her from all sides, she freely let the urine expel. She was exhausted from holding it for hours. The warmth of wetting herself in a diaper was both disgusting and pleasurable experience."

Tweek squeezed his boyfriend's arm, "The underpants gnomes want to rape me! First my underwear, now my virginity. I'm gonna be the new Lisa Victim!" the blond began sobbing, Craig tried to comfort the hysterical Tweek. Mr. Garrison strolled closer hearing the kerfuffle, he munch on his apple, "Is blondie on his man period or what?" Craig gulp pushing the book towards Clyde, seeing the book he swiped it from the 10-year-old, "What you got here?" Jimmy gulp, spitting out the first idea that came from his head, "W-we-well it-it's uh b-b-book fr-from the sc-school's library," the teacher nodded, his lips smacking as he eats his apple, "Mmm... Okay. Bit odd, but I remember being into pootang at your age," the teacher tossed the erotic book back to Clyde, giving him a sideways glance, "You fuckin' kinky little shit though,". Stan facepalmed, rubbing his hand across his features, "I-I really hate town," the boys nodded in unison.

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