The Return of Hippies

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Opening the fridge Sharon scowled, slamming it shut, "Stan! Shelley get down here!" the teenage girl groans in annoyance at the disturbance, Stan enters behind his sister, "Uhh... What's going on?" the mother sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, "Where's your father?" Shelley rolled her brown eyes at her mother, "He went out to get milk," the mother glanced at the time and it was two in the afternoon, frowning, "Your father's been gone for hours,". Sharon press in the number hearing the dialing sound buzz, Randy picked up drunk and high, "S-Sharon your a traitor to pot," the woman nose crinkles in disgust as she heard her husband fart on his phone and hung up, automatically her eyes meet her boy in the red poofball hat, "Stan go get your father," the boy sighs, leaving the farm on his scooter.

Stan was elbowed from all sides as he tried to get to the middle-aged man directing the chaos on a minivan, he gulps seeing his almost nude father, "Dad! Get some clothes on we need to home!" the man tried to reach for his son, but ended up faceplanting on the asphalt. He stood right back up alcohol numbing his pain, wiping his bleeding lip, "No! Sharon's a traitor!" the boy stood confused, waiting for an explanation as his father passed out in the road bursting with protesting hippies. He tried to get his father inside his car failing promptly.

Mayor Mcdaniels glared at the mob of hippies crowding town hall, throwing beer bottles and lighting trashcans on fire, "All this, because you couldn't accept you son got a few scrapes from kids being stupid kids," Mrs. Broflovski glare straight back frowning, poking the mayor in the chest, "My bubbeh wouldn't have been injured if it wasn't due to your negligence of safety. My husband is lawyer," the turquoise haired woman had deep set frown on her lips, "Yes, yes I get it you husband is lawyer. You raised taxes to fill in stupid potholes and you cause the return of the hippies," Sheila fumed.

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