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Returning home from hanging out with Craig, Tweek spotted a folded piece of paper on his pillowcase, "Ack! Too much pressure!" he yanked at his blond hair, nervously plucked the note from his pillow. His pale blue eyes scan his room, expecting something to pop out at him, "A-a story. Oh my god, they are going to rape me!" the blond rushed out of his house, his wallet in his pocket, "They are going to rape me!" the boy screamed flailing his arms as he ran down the streets, Mr. Mackey who was passing by with his groceries, "Rape is bad m'kay,". Craig was watching the sunset when his boyfriend ran past screaming about going to get raped, he quickly ran after him, "Tweek! Tweek sweetie calm down you not going to get raped!" Tweek sharply twisted to meet his boyfriend's eyes, pointing at him, "You're a gnome! And you going to rape me! Ah- and you're going to suck on my nose!" Craig ran after his boyfriend, attempting to calm him down, "T-Tweek stop it! I'm not going to suck on your nose. That's just weird! Sweetie come back!" the neutral-toned boy was surprised by how fast his spazzy boyfriend could run, running as his life depended on it, "T-Tweek!"

Craig sighed, staring across the cafeteria where his boyfriend was sitting by Cartman of all people, "Dude, what happened between you and Tweek? It must've been bad for him to want to sit by Cartman of all people," Kyle's eyes meet where Craig's were directed, Tweek noticing the stares glared at his boyfriend, "Stop staring at me, you gnome rapist!" the ginger shot Craig glance like everyone else in the lunchroom, Kyle's voice became a whisper, "Dude explain, what the hell is going on? Gnome rapist? What the hell does that mean?" Craig sighed, his head hiding the fold of his elbows, "I'm not entirely sure. Yesterday I saw him running down the street screaming that he was going to get raped. I ran after him and he started screaming that I was a gnome trying to suck on his nose," Token Black blinked, looking lost for words, "Oh... Kay. So what started this behavior in Tweek?" the boy bites into his sandwich, concentrating on the neutral-toned boy across from him, "As I know! He doesn't even want to be near me. I-I don't know what I did," the boy in blue frowned, obviously distressed by the situation, "This is worse than the cupcake thing," the boys shivered at the memory of Mr. Garrison being president, the ginger nose wrinkled at the Tweek shaking Cartman violently, "I get the gnome thing, but hanging around Cartman of all people. It seems a little fishy," Stan kicked his super best friend under the table, his eyes narrowed, "Stop worrying about Cartman. It only makes the situation worse,".

The Jewish boy sighed, his focus brought back to his tasteless salad from a gas station. His mom was so busy annoying the mayor about the pothole problem that she didn't have time to prepare his diabetic-friendly lunch, he yearned for the sweet the other boys were eating. Not some gross salad that was probably and few months old, since people rarely ate healthy in South Park. He shoves the salad to the side in frustration, he rather risks high blood sugar levels than eat slimy salad. Stan frown bumping his shoulder with a friend, show him his sandwich, "Sorry ham and cheese," the Jewish boy nodded, anger boiling behind his disappointment, "I'm fine. I lost my appetite anyway," he glanced between the old salad between Cartman trying his best to pull the blond boy off of him, a bitter taste pierced his mouth. Stan shook his head at his friend's behavior, his frown deepening, "So I see your mom is doing the pothole thing," Kyle burrowed his face in his hands, sighing, "Yeah there's a town meeting dedicated to potholes the day after tomorrow," the raven patted his friend's shoulder, he didn't have a strength to force a smile, "Well, hopefully, she doesn't go all out this time," the other boy's emerald eyes widen, shushing him, "No! Don't jinks it, Stan. You know she almost got Terry and Phillip killed,".

Underwear was piled high Tweek's shopping, running out of boxers he went to the female clothing section of the store, "Sweetie you need to stop," Tweek squeaked, using the shopping cart as a barrier between him in the gnome in a human disguise, "Ekk! H-how did you find me here?" Craig shoved his hands in his jacket's pockets, looking unimpressed, "When you came here yesterday this store was closed. So... What's up with the mountain of underwear? Explosive diarrhea or somethin'," the monotone boy said picking up a pack of woman's underwear, color dusted the blond's cheeks, "I need more underwear," the boy looked at his twitching boyfriend, concern plaster across his features, "Please tell me why you're afraid of me? I don't remember doing something wrong," the boy in blue head dipped toward the gum stain carpet of the department store, the perfume of chemicals tickle his nose, "Ack! S-stop trying to trick me Craig. You're going to suck my nose. J-just l-leave me alone," the blond spat, snaking his arms around the pile of undergarments, "Fine. I'll leave you alone, but tell me was happened first," a low whine escaped the blond's throat as he decided his options, he slowly his stuck his hand towards his boyfriend. In his hand, he held the creased paper. Disgust coated Craig's features as reading every horrific word tormenting Tweek's mind, his hands shake violently, and rage boiling beneath the surface. The boy in blue nodded handing the paper back to his scared boyfriend, pulling out his wallet he hands the boy some money for the underwear, "Here," the blond stare wide-eyed at the few bills, meeting his boyfriend's eyes, "Uh... Why are you giving me money?" Craig sighed, his eye dropping to the carpet, "Go... Go buy your underwear," Tweek took the money cautiously, a twinge of warmth flooded his heart at the gesture, "Why are you helping me?" the boy in a blue sigh, his eyes narrowing with emotion, "I'll prove it to you that I'm not gnome and I beat the fuck out of whoever wrote this shit. They were tryin' to scare you Tweek. See you at school Tweek," the angry boy walked away, the blond watched him leave. Tweek glance down at the bills in his hand, a painful feeling nipped at him seeing the boy leave in the department store alone.

Fake Park Episode 1: Potholes and Gnomes (South Park)Where stories live. Discover now