Underpants Gnome

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A  grin curls at Cartman's lips overhearing Tweek's panic, he tossed his trash in the trashcan. A scheme forms in his mind.

The Cartman open up google docs and his fingers tapping wildly as twisted ideas flood his mind, a grin shines on his face, "I'll make them regret ruining our broship," Liane stood behind her son quietly setting the bowl of cheesy poofs on the desktop, a forced smile on her lips, "Poopsikins call me if you need anything else," the overweight boy paid his mother little mind as meekly scurried out his bedroom. He typed,

"Tweek's eyes unfurled, a haze filmed over his pale blue eyes. Blindly he reached from the thermos full of coffee, he screeched, "Underpants gnome!" he hurled the gnome across his room, the gnome made a noise similar to dog toy squeeze getting stomped on. He clung onto his last remaining pair of tightie-whities, a swarm of gnomes tried to remove his underwear, "Ack! Stop it! Mom! Dad!" his parents ignore the boy's screams, due to how common his night terrors occur. The small men are able to strip him of his underwear, his nightshirt the only this remaining, "Give it back! Aargh!". The boy failed to get his underwear back, he is able to run downstairs to the home phone. His jittery fingers dial his boyfriend, Craig response, "Yes sweetie. It's four in the morning," Tweek screams as the gnomes try to pull him away from the phone by his ankles, "Craig help me! The underpants gnomes are trying to rape me!" Craig heaves, ending the call, "Calm down. I'll be there soon," Tweek cries as he shoves to the kitchen tiles, his attempts to kick the gnome off of him are futile, "Please stop! You got my underwear! Leave me alone!" the boy wailed as a gnome beat him with a rolling pin as the other tried to remove his shirt, the nightshirt is toss to the side. 

The click of the front door alerted him of his boyfriend here to save him, Tweek cried louder, "Craig-Ack! Help me!" Craig donning his pajamas looks at his nude boyfriend being attacked by miniature men, he approaches closer, "Brother, do you call to join in the fun?" Tweek heart froze, his eyes the size of dinner plates as he lets the gnomes word soak, "Craig y-your an underpants gnome! Y-you tricked me!" his chance of being saved vanished as Craig morphed into his real form of a gnome, Tweek struggled to get away, "Ah! Stop it! Stop it, please Craig tells them to stop!" Craig stops watching the scene before him, he stood on the blond's chest, "I call his nose,". 

Before the blond boy could comprehend what the gnomes were doing to him feel the moisture on the tip of his nose, he looks up to see his boyfriend suckling on his nose, "Ah! What the fuck?!" his wrist was pinned to the tiled floor by the gnome, a giggle fled his lips at two gnomes began to grind against his smooth armpits. He was ticklish. Tweek's nose crinkled at a disgusting smell, he looked at the gnome squatting on his stomach, "Ack! S-stop that!" the gnomes began to smear their feces over his milky skin, down his arms and legs. Tweek gave up his futile fight and allowed the underpants gnomes to finish, their semen slicken his armpits. The gnome props the rolling pin under his chin, his pale blue eyes forced to look up at the underpants gnome, "If you don't buy more underwear we'll rape you," tears leaked from his eyes as the blond nodded, as quick as the gnomes came they left."

Dotting the last period, Cartman grinned at his masterpiece on the screen, "It's beautiful,". He smiled down at the freshly print sheet of paper, the boy collapsed on the couch, "Ha, they'll regret ignoring me,". Liane forced a smile at her son, she had helped him print the sheet, "Okay poopsikins. Mommy needs to go to work now," the boy barely knowledge his dressed up mother, he nodded, "I have your pot pie in the oven for when you get hungry,". The brunette dashed to her sliver minivan, dumping the packet of cocaine on the plastic panel she began to snort up her nose in a rolled bill, "Oooh... Yeah," wiping the powder from her nose, she starts her car. 

Fake Park Episode 1: Potholes and Gnomes (South Park)Where stories live. Discover now