Town Meeting

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The ginger hopped off the stage where his mother was babbling to the residents about potholes, tired of being the poster boy his mother campaign. Catching a familiar blur exit the community center he trailed behind, anger stirring his stomach as he got closer. He shoves the overweight boy into the dumpster, Cartman narrows his blue eyes at the ginger, "What the fuck do you want Kahl?!" Kyle yanked at the hem of his jacket, growling, "Cartman admit it was you," the overweight meet his glare, shaking his head, "I didn't do shit!" the ginger frowned, loosening his grip on the fabric of his jacket, "Then help us find whoever did," the brunet tilted his head, laughter tumbling from his lips, "I help you. No way in hell would I ever help you," pushing the boy way from his he turned to leave, Kyle followed, "Cartman just admits your pranking Tweek," the brunet spins to glare at the stalker, Kyle crashes into his stomach bounce back slightly, "It seems like you want to accuse me of something more than helping Tweek. Your wasting your time. I've tired of trying to fix our broship if it'll never work. I quit Kyle. So just leave me the fuck alone!" Stan stood watching the scene, glaring at his super best friend, "Come on Kyle let's get back inside," Kyle shook his head violently as Stan tried to pull him away from Cartman, "No Stan! Why doesn't anyone believe me that Cartman did it?" the raven glared, his hold tightening around the ginger, "Kyle you suppose to be the mature one. People change," Kyle struggled, getting out of the raven's grip, "Stan, why don't you believe me?" Stan's nose crinkles in disgust, his blue eyes narrow, "Cartman's right. You're doing this for yourself... Not to help Tweek," disappointment films over his eyes as he turns his back to Kyle, sighing, "Harassing Cartman won't do us any good. If you really care about Tweek then leave Cartman alone," he felt like he just got punched in the gut, the boys left the ginger alone as they walked away. 

Tears streamed from Kyle's eyes as he punched the dumpster, he cups his aching fist, "He did it. I just know he did,". Kyle never imagines Cartman of all people straining his relationship with Stan even more. Worse of all his best friend didn't believe him. His life was crumbling around him and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Ike patted the crying boy's shoulder, emerald eyes look up at his baby brother, "Stop being a little bitch,".

Sharron elbowed her husband who was busy playing mobile games on his phone, the man groan, "Seriously Randy this is an important problem," sighing her husband pocketed his cellphone, she huffed looking back at the podium, "Buuttt Sharron it's sooo boring," shooting the man quick glare, before returning her gaze to the large woman, "Just pay attention Randy," the raven focused on the woman with a beehive droning on and on, "See. See. These potholes are dangerous just look what it did to my bubbeh," the ginger boy tensed feeling all eyes on him, color-tinted his cheeks, "Yeah! I had to replace my tires twice in the same month!" a random townie chimed, another following stirring an uproar. Kyle glared at the family sitting next to the Marsh's, his eyes narrowed at the glassy-eyed brunet. The burnet smirked at the Jewish boy, sticking his tongue out. 

Together two gnome pry open the blond boy's window, an icy breeze swept the bedroom. Scanning the room they spot a lump underneath the duvet, the gnome waves in the others, "He's asleep. Let's go in," the squeaky voice called, they shin up the knotted rope leading to the boy's window. The gnomes searched the room, the youngest gnome pointed to the mountain of underwear, "We hit the gold mine," the gnome approached closer to the pile before any of the more experience underpants gnomes could stop the youngest he tripped on a wire. An alarm blared, the bedside lamp flashes on. Tweek held the gnome squeezing him like a stress ball, the gnome squealed writhing in his hold, "Ah! Help me!" his teeth latch onto the boy's hand like a rottweiler, screaming the ten-year-old launched the gnome at the nearest wall. Colliding with the wall with a yelp, the blond pull a gun out from under his pillow, "Ack! Don't make me shoot!" he had gotten the gun from Cartman early that day, accidentally a bullet fired shooting a black gnome in the shoulder, "Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm a murderer and it's all Cartman's fault for giving me this thing," the firearm slipped from his grasp hitting the floor with a clunk, accidentally it fired again shooting the same gnome in the knee, "Ah my fuckin' knee!" the boy screeched throwing water balloons at the gnomes, he missed his most of his targets, "I won't let you rape me!" they gnomes paused, confused, "Dude we want your underwear, not your underwear not to rape you," the boy wiped his tears with his forearm, sniffling, "So... Craig isn't an underpants gnome?" the same drench gnome raised a brow at the boy, "Huh? Look kid we want your underwear not to rape you. Geez... You planted that idea into your head," Tweek drop the last water balloon into a bucket, frowning down at the wrinkled paper in his hands, "But... I-I thought you wrote this," the gnome plucked the note from his hands, reading his eyes bulge, "Uhh... No... Just no. Look kid were businessmen not rapists. Come I'll show you,".

The blond strolled astride with the same gnome down a hallway of the gnome lair, gold-framed portraits lined the walls complemented by the mahogany of wall, "These are the pantyhoses gnomes. They focus on pantyhose. These are the pothole gnomes. They focus on the causation of potholes," Tweek halted his stride to stare at the picture, his eyes furrowing in thought, "So gnomes cause potholes?" the gnome nodded, a deep sigh tumbling from his lips as he looked at the carpeted floor, "Yes they do, but not for long. Not with that big fat bitch's campaign. Their suffering," an idea popped into the gnomes head to save his cousins, he meets the twitchy boy's eyes, "How about we make a deal?" interested Tweek signals for the gnome to continue.

Fake Park Episode 1: Potholes and Gnomes (South Park)Where stories live. Discover now