Guilty Pleasure

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The overweight boy was stressed at the number of hippies in South Park he couldn't be able to take them out all on this own. The mayor was arguing with an angry mother and the only scientist in South Park who didn't make creatures with multiple butts was passed out cold in the streets. The boy returned to an empty house finding a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on the kitchen counter, he read the note attach out loud, "Be back soon,". The boy sighed, carrying the plate up to his room. There was only one thing that made Cartman's life a little easier to cope with. He opened the door to his bedroom finding the ginger howling in laughter as he read what Cartman wrote. The color drained from his face. The only thing that made Cartman happy was getting mocked by his worse enemy. He tore the computer from the wall and threw it against the wall, shattering the glass into millions of pieces, "Kahl didn't Stan leave me alone?" the ginger sat up from the computer chair, a grin pinching his cheeks as he waved evidence of his guilty pleasure in his face, "I have all the evidence I need to know that you were indeed the one who was pranking Tweek,". The boy in the jumpsuit reached for the papers, the urge the vomit near. For the only thing that made him happy to be taken away from because of his enemy. His enemy had everything he could ever want. 

The ginger grins pulling the stack of papers away from the overweight boy, a winning gleam in his eyes, "Nothing to say fatass. Huh, really I would've imagined more from you due to all the fuck up shit you wrote," the brunet glared at the ginger, refusing to let his weakness show, "I bet you caused the hippies to return. Are you really that desperate for attention? You destroy multiple relationships because you're bored and want to write smut," the overweight tackled the Jew for the papers, the paper tears as speckled the room with paper, "Ha! Where's your proof now you stupid Jew?" the boy under him laughter made his blood freeze, those snake-like emerald eyes pierce him with hatred, "I'm not stupid Cartman I saved all your little writings digitally as well," he yelped, curling in a ball as he clenched his groin. The ginger sprang up from under him pulling out his phone with a pre-written message displayed ready to be sent for the world to read the awful smut his enemy wrote. Every emotion writhes inside of the overweight boy- for the only thing that made you happy be stripped from you. The ginger paused surprised at the noise coming from Cartman, crying. The brunet stood up facing the door, his throat tight, "Just do it,"  the ginger stared at the message on his screen then back to the sobbing boy, he really didn't feel like a hero, "Stop acting Cartman," the boy took an uneven breath, he had wished he was acting, but he wasn't, "I really can't have anything when it comes to you. An escape... Happiness. Just post it and get the fuck out of my house,". 

The boys were interrupted by a clanging, confused both boys unfurl the blinds and gaze at the hippies on a rampage. They were destroying the roads with sledgehammers. Brown eyes meet Green both widen and fearful, Kyle pocketed his phone, "Come on Cartman! We need to save our home before they destroy it!" the overweight halted, the ginger glare at his enemy, "Cartman this isn't the time for this," the brunet shook his head, his arms crossed over his chest, "I'm not working with you, Kahl. Go team up with Stan and be fags somewhere," his emerald eyes narrow at the boy, he pulled his phone from his pocket, "I won't tell anyone about what you did. Just help save South Park," the overweight boy stared at the screen that held his torturous fate at a tap of a finger, he pointing to the phone, "Delete the message and I'll save South Park," the ginger hesitated, as much as he wanted to save his home he wanted to ruin his enemy. He did the only thing he could in the situation, he deleted the unsent message pocketing his phone, "Hurry up Fatass we don't have all day!" Kyle tugged Cartman by the hand, in the direction of Town Hall. 

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