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During our stroll through the forest that I soon learned was in my head we discussed many topics. Most of what consisted of how I come from a very long line of the most powerful witches to ever exist. Loraline also revealed to me that my "parents" weren't related to me what so ever and that she was my great-great-great-great grandmother, my biological parents died a year after I was born which resulted in me being put in the foster system where the lowlifes found and adopted me. The people who claim to be my parents also took and used my last name for themselves in hopes I would never find out I was adopted and go to look for my real family. The stealing of my last name was just part of their sick abuse. Before I woke up back in the cemetery Loraline taught me how to get back into the state of conciseness that allowed me to see her so she could teach me to harness my abilities. When I did wake back up the sun was peaking over the trees meaning I had been out for about 7 hours. Just as I was about to leave I took one last glance to the oak tree to see the words she had written fading away never to be seen by anyone but myself.

On my walk back to town I came to the decision to keep who I truly was away from Steve and Bucky. Even though I knew I could trust them with pretty much anything I didn't want to freak them out or for them to have to carry around the same burden I had. When I arrived to Steve apartment the only thing I saw was a very tired looking Steve and Bucky. The dark bags under their eyes telling me they hadn't slept all night. The moment they saw me standing in the door way their once dull eyes widened changing into ones of relief and happiness. They bombarded me with loads of questions about my whereabouts all night and in return I gave them a simple lie, telling them I was at my apartment since my "parents" were out of town. Luckily the lie seemed to satisfy them because things between us returned to normal, well almost normal. Even though we were all acting like our usual selves I couldn't help but ponder on why my emotions were so strong when I saw Bucky kissing the girl that they caused such a big outburst of power. I'm not completely sure why that sight was so unsettling to me but it was. Feelings of jealousy swarmed my stomach just thinking about it, but why?

Years had passed and it was now 1942 making me 22 whilst Bucky at the age of 25 and Steve 24. Things between the three of us hadn't changed if you didn't count the major crush I had developed on Bucky. Well actually no I didn't develop a crush instead I realized I had a crush on him since meeting him but as the years passed it only grew bigger, making it hard for me to deny myself of the love had for him any longer. Even if things between the boys and I didn't change drastically as time passed things with myself definitely did. Loraline and I had put in a lot of work with shaping my abilities and it had payed off greatly. I could practically do anything imaginable, like preforming a money spell and getting enough so I could buy myself a nice three bed apartment. Loraline and I formed a very close relationship seeing as she was the last of my family I could speak with. As of right now I was waiting for Steve outside of one of the many war recruitment places set up around town.

"How did it go?" I question whilst skipping over to him, even though I knew he didn't pass like the many other times we had made trips like these but it would be rude not to ask.

"What do you think Y/n?" He sighs as he kicks a rock on the pavement.

"That bad huh?" "I just don't understand why they turn me down if I'm fully willing to serve my country." He says in disbelief.

"It's for your safety. I don't understand why you want to go so bad. I can guarantee you war isn't how it looks on the screen in the theaters." I reassure trying my best to make him change his mind about enlisting in the war like I've done a handful of times previous to this.

"I feel like I need to do my part." Steve admits while we start in the direction of my apartment.

"And what if you die? Huh? Ever thought about that?" I quiz.

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