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Answering the unexpected knock I'm met with a winded looking Bucky, either he had managed to sprint all the way over here or got caught in a surprise rain storm. The first option seemed more realistic seeing that the weather called for clear sky and I had got my emotions under control meaning no surprise rain storms were going to happen because of me. Seeing him on my doorstep willingly left me with many questions but the biggest one being, why? After all the cruel things I said to him why would he voluntarily come here. Not knowing if I should apologize or keep the rant going I stay silent, waiting for him to tell me the reason he's shown up at my doorstep.

"Can I come in?" He eventually asks after quite a few moments of thick silence. Nodding my head and stepping away from the doorway I give him time to walk in before shutting the door and moving myself over to the living room where Bucky was standing in an awkward position. Of all the times he's been in my apartment he's never acted this out of place. Maybe it had to do with what I said earlier but Bucky was acting very strange, nervous even. If the the reason he was acting odd was because of earlier he would have been acting more angry not nervous, something else was going on and I was sure of it.

"You can sit down." I say whilst eyeing with skeptically as he sits down on the nearest piece of furniture and begins bouncing his leg up and down at a rapid rate. Seeing Bucky in the odd state he appeared to be in made me feel even more guilty than I already did for the scene I caused at the Stark Expo.

"Bucky look, I'm really sorry I-," I began to say but come to a halt when he quickly jumps onto his feet.

"You're sorry?!" He asks sounding slightly enraged as he does so, causing me to be rather taken aback by is sudden aggression.

"Yes I'm sorry. What the hell else do you want me to say?" I question becoming confused by his shift in mood.

"There are many things I want to hear you say but 'I'm sorry' isn't one of them." He says while taking multiple steps closer to me. I'm not entirely sure what he meant by his choice of words but the dark look in his eyes was giving me a small idea.

"I don't want you thinking I don't care about you because in fact it's the complete opposite." He continues taking yet another step closer to me making our faces only inches apart. If my brain wasn't on overdrive before it definitely was now, a million thoughts consumed my head but most of them consisted on trying to decipher his words. A big part of me was convinced he was confessing his love to me which caused butterflies to be released into my stomach but another part of me argued that I was reading to much into it and he doesn't think of me more than a friend.

"Bucky, what are you saying?" I end up asking not being able to come up with anything else that wouldn't result in me embarrassing myself.

"It's stupid. Just forget I ever showed up here." He quickly spits out before going for the door. Realizing he's about to leave before he tells me what's up I swiftly use my powers to seal my apartment, making it impossible for anyone to leave or enter until I release the spell.

"Just tell me, I don't care if you think it's stupid." I insist, getting more and more impatient as time passes.

"No, I'm not going to. I can't." Bucky yells as he turns his face away from the door to look at me, resulting in very intense eye contact between the two of us.

"You can't or you won't?" I firmly ask, quickly becoming angry he just won't say what he came all this way to say.

"Both." He simply states before turning to the door and opening it but just as he's about to step through the doorway he invisible wall stops his from doing so, earning a very confused yet enraged vibe from him. At this point I didn't care much about him finding out about my power but more about what he information he had to reveal. Being completely sure he wasn't going anywhere I dissolved the spell.

Eternal Love - Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now