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I wasn't aware my world could turn upside down with just a few simple words but the sentence that just fell out of Bucky's mouth proved me wrong. Even though I had perfected keeping my powers controlled when my emotions got intense the lights subtly began to flicker.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sarah. If you haven't gathered it by now my names Y/n." I inform with a sickeningly sweet smile. My dream of Bucky and I being together again had been smashed to pieces but I didn't, couldn't, show what I was feeling on the inside. It made sense for him to move on but I still couldn't wrap my mind around it, sure I had my fair share of sleeping around but never in a million years had I seriously thought about getting into a committed relationship.

"Seeing as Y/n and Bucky have lots of catching up to do I'll give Sarah a tour." Steve announces as he gestures Sarah to follow him. Watching Steve leave I give him a pleading look but I guess he didn't see it considering his back was already turned to face me.

"Lets go to my room." I suggest in which Bucky replies with a simple nod. I couldn't help but notice how his demeanor changed when he remembered Sarah was there during our hug. Maybe I was reading into it but I could have sworn I saw him grit his teeth when she coughed making her presence known. The stroll to my room was silent, I wasn't sure if it was because he was still shocked I was actually alive or because he couldn't care less if I was. Entering my room I take a seat on my bed as Bucky awkwardly stands a few feet away from me. It takes me patting the bed for him to sit down. I waited for the questions to start flooding in but instead I'm met with silence and him nervously fiddling with his hands.

"Seeing that you aren't going to speak first I guess I'll just start on with my life story. Umm, where to start? Oh, okay, I know. So I come from a long time of witches, one of those witches being the one to absorb the power of the 6 infinity stones. She, Loraline, passed the power of the stones from generation to generation meaning I wield the power of all the stones and the abilities from my prior ancestors before Loraline did the whole stone thing."

"I kept my abilities hidden from both you and Steve in the 1940s. Then when you guys went missing and were thought to be dead I might of preformed a tiny little resurrection spell that backfired on me considering neither of you were actually dead. When the spell backfired on me I passed out and woke up, how do I says this, a vampire. Yes, I drink blood. Yes, I'm now immortal. No, literally NOTHING can kill me. I'm not going to get into details about my capabilities but name something and I can most likely do it. Thats pretty much the main need to know points so if you have questions ask away." I explain in a total of 4 breathes which meant I said all of it pretty fast and he probably didn't understand one bit of it. Once again the only reply I got was total silence, except for the occasional deep sign coming from Bucky.


I do realize everything I just informed him on was a lot to take in but I was getting fed up with him not saying something.

"How do you know nothing will kill you?" He asks finally breaking the tense silence. To say I was confused on his choice of question would be an understatement, he was getting at something but at what I wasn't quite sure yet.

"My ancestors books." I quickly reply, maybe to fast because he gave me a look telling me he saw through my white lie.

"You tried, didn't you?" Now I knew exactly what he answer he was looking for.

"I don't understand what you're asking, Bucky." I simply state, playing dumb to avoid truthfully answering the question. Sadly Bucky saw straight through my act and looked at me with pity in his eyes, the same eyes that could get me to spill my deepest darkest secrets.

Eternal Love - Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now