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Steve and Bucky stayed until the rained cleared up which was around 5 pm, by the time they left I had been caught up on everything regarding the war. It was basically all they talked about and anything that I learned about was against my will. I'm not quite sure why everyone was celebrating it considering many people were dying but no one seemed to understand the seriousness of it except for me. Not even Steve or Bucky truly 100% recognized how bad things were, and I small pit in my stomach told me they were about to get much worse. Call it witchy intuition or whatever you want but whenever I got a feeling about something I was always right, always.

Eventually days had passed and men were getting shipped out to war left and right. Things concerning the war weren't getting any better yet Steve was still determined to fight. At the moment I'm flipping through my grimoire adding photographs of ingredients that were called for on each spell before a knock on my door interrupted me from doing so. With a swift flick of my hands everything I had once been working on vanished into one of my hidden draws. I take one last glance around my living room to make sure nothing seems out of place before opening the door to reveal a lost in thought looking Bucky.

"Earth to Bucky." I call to him whilst waving my hand in front of his face hoping to snap him out of his daze. He doesn't say anything instead proceeds to walk in my apartment.

"Come on in why don't you." I sarcastically utter to myself, shutting the door before walking over to Bucky who's already sprawled out on my couch.

"So do you have a reason for barging in here or is this going to become a new thing we do?" I question as I lift his legs up, taking a seat where they were placed before I set them back down making them now on my lap. We sit in complete silence until I hear him mutter something that was inaudible to me.

"Huh?" I question as I look to see him with him looking up at the ceiling with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I'm getting shipped out tomorrow." He confesses as he pulls his gaze away from the ceiling and moving it to make eye contact with me. The instant those words left his mouth a flood of emotions went through my body, mostly consisting of sadness and fear.

"Thats what you wanted, right?" I ask, trying to keep calm to ensure I don't burn my whole apartment building down.

"I mean it was I guess but now, I don't know, just forget it." The mix between his tone and the look on his face I knew without a doubt he was holding something back.

"You know you can tell me anything." I remind him, desperate to know what type of information he couldn't come to tell me but not wanting to push him on it.

"Steve and I are going to the Stark Expo tonight, meet us there?" Bucky asks as he jumps off the couch and heads in the direction of the door, totally ignoring what I said not even seconds ago and completely changing the subject.

"Ya I'll be there." I confirm while giving him an odd look before he shuts the door with him on the other side. I wasn't sure what exactly he was keeping from me but from me but there was definitely something he was hiding. The news of his shipment didn't quite sink in until about 5 minutes after he left, but when I finally did manage to grasp onto what was happening all the lights on the block blew a fuse as the first of many tears slid down my cheek. The whole day I spent hour after hour researching any type of spell that would allow him to stay here with me but came up with nothing. I could always go back in time as a last resort but not only could doing that have major consequences but also because I had yet to perfect my abilities. I even talked with Loraline about it but she said there was nothing to be done. By the time I got done going through all my ancestors grimoires that Loraline handed down to me 7 hours had gone by meaning it was now 8:30 pm.

Eternal Love - Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now