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Rushing to the fridge in search of something to fill the growing hunger in my stomach I get their much sooner than expected. It should have taken me at least 5 seconds with the sprint I preformed but instead it took me a spilt second to reach my destination. I didn't have time to ponder on this new found speed considering I was to overwhelmed by craving to eat something. Throwing open the fridge I about take the door off the hinges but at that moment in time I didn't pay attention to it and grabbed the first thing I saw which was a leftover sandwich. Taking big bites of it I begin to realize it wasn't for filling me like it should have. Before having time to eat something else I catch a delicious scent of something coming from the apartment next to mine. I didn't care how I was able to smell it nor pin point its location, the only thing I cared about what finding the source of the scent and devouring it. Rushing out of my apartment and into the one beside me I instantly spot a man with a small paper cut that had his blood exposing itself to the surface.

Without any hesitation or thought I bit into his neck, draining every last drop of blood from his body. It wasn't until after I slaughtered the clueless man that I had realized what I had done. It was like a new found instinct that I couldn't act upon. Somehow his blood managed to satisfy my new found hunger making it clear to me what I had become. A vampire. Swiftly disposing of the body with no guilt what so ever in a nearby ally I start to wonder how I had become a blood sucking monster that appeared in many of the myths I had read over the years. Thankfully it was still night meaning no one was about to see me throw the mans body into a dumpster. Getting back to my apartment my mind was going over all the possibilities that could have led to me becoming a human who feasted on the blood of others. The only logical explanation my mind could stumble upon was the recent resurrection I had preformed that had caused me to pass out and then awake the creature I had now become.

It made the most sense considering during the whole spell something felt off, it must have back fired for an unexplainable reason. After coming to the conclusion it was the backfired spell that caused this change, my mind instantly switch over to thinking about the disappearance and possible death of the two most important people in my life. My previous emotions returned due to the mere concept of them being gone. Just as fast as those awful emotions appeared I had to bury them again since the winds around me began to pick up at a rapid rate and the ground below me began to shake. Needing to get my mind off of the news regarding my boys I hurried back to my apartment to start reading up on any of my books the included the topic of vampires. After hours upon hours of continuous research I came across some very informative findings.

Like for example I'm now immortal, not aging ever again, absolutely nothing could kill me. Not getting my heart ripped from my body, not get decapitated, not getting stabbed by a wooden stake, nothing. I also learned that as long as I consumed human blood that my body would function close to normal, well expect for my heart no longer is beating, I can't reproduce, and my skin is impenetrable meaning not a single thing could tear nor damage my skin or me. Expect for sunlight which could burn me if in direct contact, it couldn't kill me only cause great pain. Luckily there were ways to getting around that small inconvenience if you held the power to make a talisman that allowed the sunlight to not effect you in anyway. The books also read that becoming a vampire results in an heightened sense of smell and sight, the ability to run much faster, enhancement in strength, the capability to compel people by just making eye contact, reading another mind if I pleased, and an increase of jumping abilities. Which explained most the odd events that took place before I realized what I had become. In addition I found that I can turn a person into what I am, minus the witch part, if they die with my blood in their system.

There was no doubt about it that I was a vampire that would have to carry the burden of living on forever. Killing people I found I had no problem with but having to live without Bucky or Steve was going to be the biggest struggle I was going to face. Even if I wanted to die I couldn't, not a thing could kill me. Even if I stopped ingesting blood it wouldn't kill me, only cause my whole body to wither in terrible pain until I fed again. By the time I had finished going through all my books sunlight started to creep its way through my light set of curtains, reminding me to make a talisman as soon as possible. It didn't take me long to gather the ingredients considering I only needed a single piece of jewelry and the magic that laid inside of me. The spell was quick and easy. I had, what I call my daylight ring, on my finger within a minute. My powers as a witch weren't effected by this change in anyway and for that I was very thankful.

From that day on I wasn't living for myself, no, I was living on for Bucky and Steve. Getting the most out of my eternal life as possible like they would had wished for me when I had a normal one. But no matter how bad I wanted to do better for them my mind would sometimes wonder to the thought of ending it all and joining them wherever they might be.

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