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"Why did I think this was a good idea? I have absolutely nothing to wear!" I sign, irritated with my lack of clothing choices.

"This looks fine." Nat says as she pulls out a sleek black dress from the back of my closest.

"Ya, it looks decent until I put it on." I argue, getting closer to the point of calling off Nat's whole plan to make Bucky jealous.

"I'll be the judge of that." She claims with taking the dress off the hanger and tossing it over to me. Stubbornly rolling off my bed I slide off my clothes and slip the dress over my head. I pull down the tight fabric until I reach its end, the dress stopping just a couple inches above my knees. Taking a look in the mirror I began to realize the dress fit much better than expected, the skintight material hugged my figure in a way that could only be described as perfect. The straps were spaghetti meaning I had little to no coverage on the top half of my body, usually this type of exposure would have made me very insecure but instead I found myself admiring the way my boobs were very much visible or the way my collarbone was prominent.

"If he isn't falling and bowing down to you by the end tonight I might just have to." Nat jokingly flirts.  Needing to stay focused on the mission at hand, make Bucky jealous, I ignore Nat's comment and begin on my makeup.

"Natural or something more bold?" I question, not being able to decide on a makeup look.

"Umm, something in between." She replies in a muffled tone, probably due to the fact she herself was now trying to figure out what to wear.

"Thats not helpful at all." I mumble to myself. Getting finished with my makeup I ended up with a simple yet daring look that consisted of dark red lipstick with a light contour that defined my cheekbones, followed along by a subtle dark red smokey eye and a light pair of false eyelashes. Glancing at my phone for a time check I come to find its 5:15 and even though we all live in the same place we planned to meet at the restaurant at 5:40. "You better be done in 15 minutes because we still have to drive there." I yell at Nat who's now doing her hair in the bathroom.

After throwing up my hair in a messy but still considerably elegant top bun I slip on my black stilettos and grab my red clutch purse that couldn't carry anything but my phone and a 20 dollar bill.

"Okay I'm finished." Nat announces as she exits the bathroom in a dark red dress complimented by her straightened hair.

"Good because I want to get some blood and alcohol in my stomach before we have to leave." I say whilst heading to the kitchen with Nat trailing behind me.

"You know we're going to a nice restaurant and not a club, I don't think you need to pregame." Nat informs as I quickly down half a bag of blood and spin off the lid of the vodka bottle.

"Pregaming is a necessity if I'm going to dinner with the guy I'm in love with, his girlfriend, and someone I'm pretending to date in an attempt to make him jealous." I state before chugging 1/3 of the full bottle, this amount would only get me tipsy due to my vampire and witch side cancelling out most of the alcohol.

"I would ask why Y/n is drinking vodka like its water but I don't think I want to know." Steve says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Preparing." I simply reply while twisting the cap onto the bottle and putting it away. It took Steve a few seconds to take notice of my attire but when he did he couldn't take his eyes off me.

"We should get going." Nat suggest after she glances at the time.

"Bye Stevie." I call out as Nat and I step into the elevator, pressing the number of the floor the cars are kept on.

"I think someone has a crush on you." Nat sings the moment the doors to the elevator close.

"What are you talking about?" I question confused on who she was referring to. "Steve." She answers like it's obvious.

Eternal Love - Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now