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2 days had passed since I had joined the avengers and nothing eventful had really taken place. Bucky was said to return tomorrow morning, I had instructed Steve to not let Bucky know of my return so I could surprise him and he agreed with little to no fuss about it. Through out this time I had become good friends with everyone fairly quickly, except for Tony whom I shared the same level of sarcasm with which left us both bickering almost always. He also wasn't fond on my need to drink blood to be able to survive so he got the blood bags within hours of my arrival. He even got a separate fridge for them because he didn't want my blood bags anywhere near his food, I found this a little dramatic considering they were in sealed bags but went with it anyways. I also quickly figured out Bucky's room was directly across from mine when I accidentally walked into it thinking it was mine. I knew it was his due to the lack of decor and by me asking Steve who the room belonged to. Steve made me aware several times that Bucky was seemingly different physically and mentally, he didn't give me exact details of what Bucky went through but said it was bad.

The only thing I was able to pry out of him without having to dive into his mind was that Bucky now had a metal arm and super soldier serum running through his veins, but none of that was going to change the way I looked or felt about him. I still had my penthouse in case of emergencies but as of right now my residence was Avengers Tower. Today was my first day training with Nat and I fully expected to get my ass handed to me. Not only was it a rule to not use my powers but also because I didn't know hand to hand combat for shit. I had two different training sessions every other day. One day I would only work on improving my fighting skills and the other day to work on using my abilities to their full potential, each day I would switch between them.

"Miss Y/n, training is beginning shortly." Friday notifies me as I'm throwing on a sports bra and pair of workout leggings.

I wanted to get in a bag of blood before training so I quickly ran to the kitchen where I found someone I had never seen before.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask which startles the person since they weren't aware of me entering the room.

"I, uh, well you see, I'm, um, you're really pretty." He stutters out followed by a pair of glowing red cheeks, still not having answered my question.

"Unless your name is 'you're really pretty' I suggest you tell me who are are before I-" I begin to say but am unable to finish due to Tony interrupting me by saying,

"Peter, I told you to meet me in my lab not devour the whole kitchen." Seeing as though Tony knew whoever this was I put my guard down a tiny bit, but not completely. Remembering what I came here for I swiftly open up my fridge to reveal it stocked full of various types of blood. Grabbing my favorite, O-, I twist of the cap and just as I'm about to take a drink I see Peter staring at me with wide eyes while Tonys clutching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Is that blood?!" Peter practically screeches looking between Tony and I with a horrified look on his face.

"Ya, you want some? O- is the best in my opinion but I'm willing to share." I tease knowing it will only make the situation worse, but the worser it gets the funnier I find it.

"Y/n, will you cut that shit out. Look at him, he's on the verge of passing out." Tony complains getting tired of my childish antics.

"Tell me do you have A- because I can smell your blood from here. I must say it smells quite appetizing." I joke, acting like I was being dead serious while staring Peter right in his eyes. This must of set him over the edge because the next thing I knew the poor little thing went straight to the ground, even though I felt kinda bad it was really funny so my guilt quickly subsided.

"Get your ass to training before I put a necklace of garlic around your throat." Tony instructs whilst pulling Peter over to the nearest couch.

"Don't believe every myth you hear, suit man. Nothing, especially some measly little plant, can kill me." I shout after I throw away the now empty bag and step into the elevator.

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