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"You might want to sit down and get comfortable, it's a long story." I suggest and in result everyone hesitantly takes a seat on the couch. "So to start of this nice little chat I would greatly appreciate it if all you put away your weapons. Even though they can't kill me I'd rather not have a bullet bouncing off my head if I say something that someone doesn't like." I begin, waiting for everyone to holster their weapons because I know the moment I reveal I drain people of their blood for food things might get a little tense. "Okay good. Well my name isn't 'Thors friend' believe it or not. It's Y/n L/n." As I admit this everyones expression turns into one of shock expect for Steve he was just as confused as me on why everyone astonished, I wasn't aware that me not being Thors friend was going to surprise people this much.

Before I have the chance to speak again Thor speaks up and asks, "L/n? As in the Loraline L/n?"

I guess it turns out they weren't surprised by my lack of friendship with Thor but instead by my last name.

"Ya?" I reply not understanding how or why they knew of my great-great-great-great grandmother, add or subtract a couple greats.

"Thats not possible her bloodline ended with M/n (mothers name) L/n." Suit man speaks up.

"Well surprise, it didn't. Now someone tell me how the hell you people know Loraline and my mother before I burn this whole place down to the ground in a split second." I declare getting irritated on the little information I'm receiving.

"Do you know what you are?" Bow and arrow guy questions me like I'm idiotic and have an empty space replacing my brain.

"Yes I'm a witch, what's the issue here?" I respond, purposely leaving out I'm a vampire for the time being.

"Y/n, you're the infinity witch. You hold the power of all the infinity stones plus the abilities corresponding with your families heritage in witches." The familiar red head answers causing Steve and I to get confused even more.

"The words leaving your guys mouthes sound like incoherent babbling to me. I have no clue what any of you are talking about." I admit, curious on how they know more about my family history than I do.

"The story goes that Loraline L/n had somehow stumbled upon a very intense force, we now refer to these forces as the infinity stones. She quickly found that they were much too powerful and if they got into the wrong hands terrible events could take place. Loraline made the decision to scatter these 6 stones across the wide universe but when she touched all of them she managed to absorb their power. Usually if a mortal were to come in contact with even one much less 6 of these stones they would die. Luckily for Loraline she wasn't a mortal to begin with, she came from a long line of witches. She held great power even before the stones. After she acquired the new abilities from the 6 stones she was able to hide the stone even better than she had planned. She wielded her power to where she could live many life times meaning she should have died due to old age back in 1241 but lived to see 1696. Loraline become exhausted from the consist use of power to keep her alive so when the towns people took her to the stake she didn't fight back instead she welcomed death as a friend. She passed down the power she absorbed from the stones and her previous witchy abilities from generation to generation. Long story short you're a born witch who holds the power of all the infinity stones making you the most powerful being in the universe." Thor explains whilst he uses crazy gestures with his hands.

"Nah, you guys are fucking with us. Y/n, tell them this isn't funny." Steve laughs thinking they're just messing around with us, but me on the other hand I was consumed with confusion. If this was true why hadn't Loraline informed me about it. Quickly switching over to the state of mind where I can speak with Loraline I'm met with her reading a book with her back rested against a tree.

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