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A few minutes passed and Bucky had yet to say something.

"Fine if you won't say something then just listen." I say, not wanting to push off telling him my feelings any longer. My anxiety was going to eat me from the inside out if I didn't get this off my chest.

"I'm still in love with you, I never stopped. The whole thing with Nat tonight was to make you jealous. I can't keep acting like what happened between us before you left didn't happen, because it did." I reveal in one big breath, lifting my gaze from the car in front of us I move it to Bucky in order to see his reaction to what I just confessed. A range of emotions crossed his face before the blank expression he had just moments ago returned. He wasn't smiling or even looking at me like I had hoped for, which meant the next words to leave his mouth I wasn't going to like at all.

"You were just a mere fling to me, nothing more. I was bored and you were the easiest option at the time." He explains in a way that sounded like it had been rehearsed, but I didn't focus on that instead my attention was drawn to the way he said I was the easiest option.

I was beyond hurt that my feelings for him weren't mutual but that hurt quickly turned into anger as I deciphered what he meant by 'easiest option.' Having no words left for him I swiftly open up the car door and get out in the middle of the road, running to whichever side of the street was nearest. Luckily we were stopped in traffic so I didn't have to worry about getting ran over.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get back in the car." I hear Bucky exclaim but that only pushes me to run faster. I needed to get far away as possible from him before I did something I would regret later. After a while of running I find myself in an ally where no one had sight of me, using this secluded place to my advantage I teleport to the tower, directly to my room. Unfortunately Bucky somehow had beat me to the tower and was already in my room looking out my window, teleporting myself out of there before he realized I had entered my room I appear in the first place that came to mind, Steves room.

Steve was startled by my sudden presence and just before he was going to question me about it I hear heavy footsteps making their way to his room, realizing the footsteps belong to Bucky I signal Steve to be quite as I sprint into the bathroom connected to his room in hopes of hiding myself from Bucky.

"Have you seen Y/n?" Bucky asks whilst opening to door to Steves room. Even though Steve was beyond confused he seemed to understand to keep my whereabouts unknown because he answers with a simple no resulting in a deep sigh to leave Bucky as he exits to search somewhere else. Coming out of the bathroom I'm met with the look Steve gives when I have some explaining to do.

"You better start talking." Steve says as he sits on his bed beckoning me to take a seat next to him. I began by explaining the events that conspired between Bucky and I in the 40s and make my way up to the more recent happenings. The whole time Steve sat and listened to everything I had to say.

"That doesn't make sense though." Steve claims after I finished telling him every last detail.

"What do you mean?" I inquire, not understanding what didn't make sense to him.

"I don't know, by the way he refused to talk about you all these years I would have guessed that he held the same feelings for you." He informs, trying to make sense of it all.

"Maybe he felt guilty that he used me, whatever his reason was it doesn't matter." I say whilst my anger begins to fade and the hurt and pain inside me returns. Tears began to form in my eyes and Steve could tell I was on the verge of breaking down so he took this as a sign to bring me into a comforting hug. Letting the array of tears slide down my face I quietly cry into Steves shoulder.

Eternal Love - Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now