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Making my way back the the tower with a new book in hand I'm met with the sight of the sun setting meaning I was at the book store longer than I intended to. I got a book called "the winter people" by Jennifer McMahon (side note, Jennifer McMahons books are really good I love them), so far I had read only a couple of her others books and I loved them. They were the types of books to hold suspense, mystery, and a touch of mystic beings. There was little to no romance in her books which I loved since all the recent books that have came out only focused upon that. When I arrived at the tower things were oddly silent and no one was around.

"Friday, where is everyone?" I ask wanting to make sure they didn't all get kidnapped or something.

"Everyone is located in the kitchen having dinner." She informs me as I have the elevator take me to the floor the kitchen was placed on. Even though I was a vampire I could still eat human food but it didn't taste as good as blood nor did it fill me at all but I still decided to at least see what they were eating regards of the fact I probably wouldn't eat it.

Reaching my designated floor I hear all sort of yelling before the elevator doors open. Wanting to see what all the fuss was about I quickly head towards the source of sound.

"You can't just steal someones car." I'm able to make out Tony yell.

"I'm Thor God of Thunder, of course I can."

"You can't even drive!" Rolling my eyes at their unnecessary I decide against taking another step closer, not wanting to get dragged into whatever idiotic argument they're having. Teleporting to my room that I presumed was going to be empty but instead I find Steve sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I question Steve boredly which causes him to jump at my sudden presence.

"I was waiting for you, I have a question to ask." He informs, knowing him it could either be a really stupid question or one I didn't want to answer but regardless I tell me to "ask away."

"Did anything happen between you and Bucky?" He question causing me to choke in the spit in my mouth. I don't know if Nat said something to him or if Bucky did but whatever is was this question was not anywhere near what I expected.

"What makes you ask that?"

"Well when we first got shipped out he became really distant and spent all his free time writing letters to someone. I managed to get a look at them and they were all addressed to you. There had to be at these 25 of them. I didn't read them because I felt like I was invading his privacy enough already. As time passed just the mention of your name would cause him to shut down the whole conversation and him to begin sulking in his room." Steve informs, this information came as a complete shock to me. Not only did I not receive any letters that he sent but also the mere thought of him not even wanting to think about me caused deep sadness to form.

Contemplating on what to tell him I decide to give him the truth seeing that he was not longest and most trusted friend. Telling him the whole story I leave out minor details, most of them consisting of what we did after we confessed our love to one another or how I was still in love with him to this day.

"Wow, so seeing him tomorrow is kinda a big deal."

Knowing what he was getting at I quickly shut down his train of thought by saying, "No, it was a long time ago. I've moved on." Thankfully he believed that answer, the truth was I hadn't moved on in the slightest. Basically everything I did throughout the years was to keep my mind from wandering back to Bucky but now that I know he's alive he's the only thing I can think about.

After Steve left I readied myself for bed by taking a shower and slipping into a one of Bucky's tee shirt I stole back in the 1940s. It was one of the few things I held onto everywhere I went. By the time I had got myself all situated inside my bed with my new book I planned to read it was 7 o'clock which meant I had plenty of time to dig into my book. Most people found reading boring or even pointless if it wasn't for academics but I liked reading, it served as a good escape from reality. I had gotten more then halfway through it before my eyes began getting tired, sleep was knocking at my doorstep. After marking my spot in the book by folding the corner of the page I turn off my beside lamp and almost instantly fall in a dreamless sleep.

"Miss Y/n, Steve wanted me to make you aware of Bucky's arrival in 30 minutes." Friday says which instantly wakes me up. Already having little time to get ready I don't dwell on the fact that I've gotten a very late start on my day instead I frantically begin throwing on clothes and doing my hair. 81 years had passed since I had last saw Bucky and I'd rather not look like a complete mess, this was a big deal for me even if I told Steve the exact opposite. After 20 short minutes I was finally semi presentable and ready as ever to reunite with Bucky. I had high hopes he still felt the same way about me as he did in 1942 but I knew the possibility of him feeling that way was very low. My not so well thought out plan was to casually sit on the couch in the living room and act like everything was normal when he came in, I thought about throwing a whole surprise party but I soon came to the conclusion it was a stupid idea the more I thought about it.

Rushing to the living room I jump onto the couch that he would have perfect view of when he arrived in the elevator. Sitting on the couch waiting it felt like hours should have gone by but instead only a mere minute had passed. I needed something to keep my anxious mind at bay so I teleported my book into my hand and began reading, actually began trying to read. I was so tense that I couldn't even manage to focus on the words printed onto the page. An eternity had passed by before I heard the dig of the elevator signifying Bucky was not only in the same building as me but the same floor. Pretending to read my book I hear the elevator doors slide open taking a quick glance in that direction I predicted to just see Bucky and Steve but instead I find an extra person planted next to Bucky. To make matters all the worse it was a 'she' and she was sharing a joyous laughter with Bucky. Something about the way her eyes gleamed when she looked at him didn't sit right with me. Needing to stop my staring and stick to the plan I turn my attention back onto the book in my hands.

After a few seconds the laughter died down and I heard three pairs of footsteps exit the elevator, not even a spilt second passes before I hear one of the pairs make an abrupt stop. I didn't have to look up to know Bucky was the one to come to a halt. I could feel his intense stare on me so to had to my fun I licked my finger and slowly turned the page telling him without words I wasn't a statue.

"Steve, what kind of sick joke is this?" Bucky exclaims which causes me to look up from my book and see what the hell he was talking about. Shockingly he was gesturing to me with anger in his eyes, I don't know what he went through but they gave him some severe trust issues.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you? Y/n's back." Steve says like its basic knowledge which I found quite funny but I guess Bucky didn't because his face held a look that could kill.

"Who the hell are you?" Bucky questions me as he begins stomping towards me. I didn't know what type of reaction I thought he'd have to seeing me but this definitely wasn't what I had expected at all.

"Dude what the hell is your problem? I'm not sure what you consider to be a warm welcome but this sure as hell isn't one." I comment, not understanding why my presence caused him to get so aggravated.

"I don't know if you're some hologram or Loki trying too fuck with me but I swear I'm going to kill you no matter what you are." Bucky claims whilst puts his hand around my throat but not applying any pressure. I could tell Steve felt the need to intervene but I could hold my own and wasn't in the slightest bit scared of Bucky.

"Kinky are we?" I tease even though I knew it wasn't going to make the situation any better. The unknown women stood back and watched the whole thing unfold, I couldn't tell if she was scared or unbothered by it all. I would read her mind but she wasn't my top priority at the moment.

"Thats the real Y/n, let her go." Steve demands while inching closer to us in which I notice so with a simple movement of my finger I gently throw him to the other end of the room.

"If you're the real Y/n then what happened in 1942 the night before I got shipped out?" He asks confident I wasn't the real me and wouldn't know the answer.

"You mean the Stark Expo or when are came to my apartment and we-" I began to say but am cutoff by his grip of my throat releasing and him saying, "Okay that's enough, I believe you." After that he offer me his metal arm to help my off the couch in with a gracefully accept. Once I'm fully off the couch he engulfs me in a tight hug that I can't help but loose myself in. It felt good, no great, to be in his arms again.

"I'm sorry. I missed you so much and I thought that-" He starts to whisper in my ear but I stop him by telling him he doesn't need to explain himself and that I missed him more then he could ever imagine. We both seemed to forget their were other people in the room because the random bitch decided to rudely interrupt our reunion by awkwardly coughing.

"Oh, um, right. Y/n, meet Sarah. My girlfriend."

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