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"Before we leave we need a set of rules." Bucky declares as he enters my apartment.

"Ya, number one being no leaving without telling us first." I hear Steve mumble under his breathe which causes me to snicker and Bucky to shoot us both annoyed glares.

"The first rule is no starting fights," he says while looking in Steves direction, "Rule number two is one of us has to be at Y/n's side at all times," even though I was very capable of taking care of myself this rule didn't bother me that much considering I felt safer at their sides, "Last but not least is to have some fun." Bucky finishes whilst draping his arms over both Steve and I's shoulder ushering us out of the apartment. Walking along the sidewalk to the bar that was only 2 blocks away Bucky removes his arm from Steve's shoulder but keeps the arm on my shoulder resting there.

"You're looking beautiful as always." Bucky's whispers in my ear resulting in shivers to be sent down my spine.

"I would say you don't look too bad yourself but I don't like lying." I tease which prompts him to grab his heart with his free hand, pretending to be deeply offended.

"Your words cut me like knives, doll." He must of called me doll over a million times as the years passed yet each and every time my heart would skip a beat at the nickname.

"So Stevie, planning on picking up any lovely dames tonight?" Bucky questions turning his attention to Steve.

"Ya because I'm sure there's a line of girls at the bar in search of a scrawny little punk like me."

"Hey, come one now. Any girl should consider themselves lucky by just talking to you. You're sweet, caring, funny, and just because you aren't the cookie cutter product of what people consider attractive doesn't mean you aren't. I for that matter find you very handsome Stevie." I comfort him, absolutely hating the way he saw himself. I'm not sure if it was the attention Steve was getting or because of what I said but a pink blush painted his cheeks followed by a gentle smile. It wasn't like I was lying either I did in fact find him handsome and even had a crush on him from the ages seven to eleven but it was nothing more then a school girl crush. After a couple minutes of walking in a comfortable silence we arrived at the bar. I didn't even need to walk in there to know it was already filled to the brill with drunken, disgusting men.

"Let's get this night over with." I sigh before trudging in. Maneuvering through the crowded bar I feel a hand find it's way onto the small of my back. Spinning around on my heels I prepare to slap which ever intoxicated buffoon is the culprit but so my relief its only Bucky helping me get through the sea of people.

"It's only me, sweetheart. You're okay." He yells but with the volume of the raving idiots inside the pub it sounded more like a soft murmur.

I turn back around and this time allow the hand on my back to guide me through the crowd to three empty stools seated at the bar. Before I could even get a drink in my hand Bucky was already on the complete other side of the bar, chatting it up with a group of girls.

"Looks like you're my babysitter tonight, Stevie." I muse whilst downing the shot of tequila shot Bucky ordered for me previous to him running off.

"Guess so." He answer as he rest his head on the palm of his hand. Through out the night I had seen Bucky a total of 2 times, one being when he first came here and the second when he came to buy the group of girls all a drink. Hours had passed and I had taken shot after shot in an attempt to forget about Bucky and how he ditched us, more especially me, just to flirt with some random chicks. By the time Steve had let Bucky know we were leaving I was completely wasted.

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