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"Bucky get you ass out here, now!" I was fuming, after everything he could let me enjoy myself for 2 seconds.

"Do you need something?" The smug look in his face as he appeared in the hall made me even more irritated.

"Admit there was no meeting." I knew the meeting was made up but I wanted to hear the words coming out of his mouth.

"You just missed it actually, such a shame." That was it I was done pretending to be the more mature person here. Without even raising a finger I threw him against the wall, practically everyone rushed into a the room wanting to know what all the clatter was about.

"Y/n put him down now." Tony demands but his commands meant nothing to me.

"Not until he admits it." Bucky was now struggling, I was putting an excess amount of pressure on his neck making him visibly uncomfortable. Yes, I know I could have just easily read his thoughts but him saying it out loud and having everyone hearing would be much more satisfying. It just took a little more of a push in his airway that he finally broke.

"Okay, okay I called and said we had a meeting even though we didn't." I let him harshly fall to the ground, he immediately rubbed his neck trying to dissolve the pain but was unsuccessful.

"Now was that so hard." I scoff, earning a pointed glare from him before he returned to wherever he came from.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." Tony mutters to himself but I still overhear thanks to my vamp hearing.

"You're halfway there buddy so I suggest leaving me alone now." I reply as I make my way to my room, completely over today and ready for it to be over. Even from my room I could still feel the tension between Bucky and I. Its obvious time changes people but I didn't think it would so much to the point we could barely even get along. Maybe the feelings I still held for him were getting in the way, it was time I moved on as he had already did. My new goal was to have a date to Tony's party next Saturday.

The morning came faster than I had anticipated, I didn't end up falling asleep until 2 o'clock at the latest and was utterly exhausted. I didn't bother getting up out of bed until 1 in the afternoon, my mind was still in its morning daze when I made my way to the kitchen for some nourishment.

"They need to get their feud under control, I can't run a team with these hostile environments." I hear as I approach, even though I was still half asleep I knew they were talking about Bucky and I because I was just thinking the same thing last night.

"Definitely agree." I state as I near them and the fridge I was aiming for. I could tell by the shift in mood they were surprised I not only heard them but agreed also. Tony, Thor, Steve, and the little spider kid all sat there staring at me, trying to decipher if I was joking or not. Their eyes only left me when I had tore open a blood bag and began innocently drinking it.

"So does that mean you'll stop choking him with air." Tony sarcastically remarks, yet there was a small hint of a serious tone somewhere in there.

"In Y/n's defense that act was a demonstration of great power that most gods can't even recreate." Thor adds, I send him a nod of appreciation.

"So do you guys have a plan to get Bucky to stop acting like a complete dick?" They all exchange looks with one another, telling me that they had nothing.

"Well when you guys figure out something useful out let me know because I have business I need to attend too." What I meant by business was I was going to try and find someone who took Bucky off my mind. I swiftly teleport back to my room, changing into a pair of comfy yet appealing clothes I'm ready to go find myself a distraction.

"Friday, if the team asks where I am tell them I'm out and will be back later." I knew I could have stolen one of Tony's luxurious cars but opted to walk since it was so nice out. There was a slight chilly breeze coming from the west but it was nothing a light jacket or sweatshirt couldn't fix. I roamed the streets for a while before stopping at a small coffee shop that was one block away from the main street. At this point I didn't even know what I had been thinking, I wasn't going to just stumbled upon the perfect man or women. Without even barely trying I accept my defeat and grab a quick coffee. They weren't very busy so my beverage was out within the minute I ordered it. When I was turning around to head out the door my luck changed for the better, or worse it was too soon to tell.

"Oh, that was a close one." The person from in front of me speaks up as I'm still trying to balance myself and the coffee that also fell after we bumped into each other. Finally looking up I'm met with one of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, blond semi wavy hair that flowed down to her shoulders, wonderful posture, and such confidence that took total control of a room by just entering.

"Ya, you should probably pay more attention on where you're going." I joke but instantly scold myself, she was going to think I was serious and being rude. Thankfully her sweet laugh fills the shop, my smile widening as this happened. 

"I would ask if you wanted to grab coffee but it looks like you've already gotten that covered." Was she flirting? I really hope she was because the next thing I said was going to determine if she was interested or just being polite.

"I could always make you coffee as I'm cooking your breakfast tomorrow morning." She understood what I actually meant and shockingly didn't shut me down, instead she bit back a smile and blushed a deep crimson red.

"I'm Carol, Carol Danvers." She introduces as she outstretches her hand which I don't hesitate in taking.

"Y/n L/n." Maybe my plan wouldn't be such a failure after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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