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takes place after endgame and everyone who gets snapped or sacrifices themselves is alive and well. Also they're all living in the tower instead of the facility.

Many years had passed and when I say many I mean precisely 81 years had gone by since I turned into a vampire-witch hybrid. Making me an 103 year old women in 22 year old me's body. Even though I had the intelligence of an 103 I still acted like a 22 year old every second of my never-ending life. The first few years were very tough on me, one reason being I had to learn how to control my bodies urge for human blood but another reason being I was still coping with the loss of both Steve and Bucky. After 2 decades or so I finally came to peace with their absences and started enjoying my life in the memory of them. After my change I had to leave Brooklyn almost instantly due to my large killing streak that happened before I got everything under control. Following my leave from Brooklyn I travelled pretty much everywhere, spin a globe and close your eyes before pointing to a random spot I can bet you 1 million dollars I had been there at some point. Except for the middle of the ocean but I hope that goes without saying.

I became well over wealthy thanks to the countless number of money spells I did over the years so I didn't have to worry about a boring desk job tying me down to a place. I will say if I was staying in smallish towns I would pick up a part time shop at coffee shops or libraries to fit in more and not look so out of place. With the vast amount of destinations I visited I managed to become fluent in several languages which included Spanish, Russian, French, Latin, German, Chinese, and Greek. Not only could I speak them with little to no mistake but I could also read and write in all of them with ease. Over the years my social life had a very steep decline, I would outlive anyone I spoke to anyways so I always seemed to distance myself sometimes without even doing it on purpose.

At times when I would get like really bored after moving to a new town I would enroll in their high school and stir up some trouble, even though I physically was 22 I could pass for at least 17. One of my favorite hobbies I had come to love was having a whole school practically bow down to my feet. My compulsion, my power to read minds, and all my witchy abilities mixed together was the perfect recipe to be able to make people do whatever my unbeating heart desired. As of right now I had just finished moving into one of the most expensive and luxuries penthouses in Manhattan, New York. This was my first time being in the US since the 1970s and I'm not sure why I felt a pull to this specific towards this city but I planned to find out tomorrow because tonight was where I would get shit faced drunk as a tradition whenever I move into a new city.

Grabbing one of the many fake ID's possessed I made sure to grab the one stating I was 23 instead of one of the others that I would use to enroll myself into high schools. Even though I could compel myself a drink I liked to look as normal as possible so I could stay in cities longer, blending in was key. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a slimming black shirt I make my way to the bar closest to my new penthouse apartment. Turns out there was one on my block which was good considering I liked to walk to places as much as possible. Even though I had an abundance of very nice luxury cars I wasn't in favor of raising my carbon footprint, just because I killed people on a regular doesn't mean I wasn't capable of caring about the earth. I mean to me taking care of the earth and its animals are more important to me than the killing off of people who won't be missed. I had the option to survive off of animal blood but not only was that option less sustainable but I couldn't bring myself to kill an animal who didn't do anything, but people on the other hand are different. I saw them as the creatures they truly were, tearing down anything that stood in the way of what they want. The human race is only motivated by three of the following, lust, greed, and/or power. In the end I saw the humans as a virus that demolished anything in their path.

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