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No one had told me where the meeting was being held so I took a guess and made my way up to the living room. Luckily I was right considering everyone was either sitting on the couch or standing gathered around the room, but I was also unlucky since I looked to be late causing everyones eyes, including Bucky's, to land on me. Even though I always acted confident deep down I was just an awkward girl and everyones attention casted at me resulted in that awkwardness to awaken. Making a smile with my lips sucked in I started in the direction of the empty seat on the couch but unfortunately I hadn't seen Thors hammer on the floor in front of me and fell over it. Steve was stifling a laugh while I picked myself off the ground and shot Thor a look for leaving his shit laying around.

"Now that everyones here let's get this shit show on the road. It's come to my attention that I haven't thrown a party in a while." As Tony says this the room turns in a crazed mesh of everyones voices. My theory was everyone wasn't too happy about Tony calling a whole meeting about a silly party.

"Will all of you settle the fuck down, it's one party not the end of the world." Tony exclaims trying to contain everyones outbursts.

"Meetings are reserved for emergencies, Tony. I think we have a right to be pissed off." Clint says whilst everyone nods in agreement, except for me because in all honesty I had no idea what was going on.

"Keeping my social status up is an emergency." Tony replies while acting offended. Tony's remark caused everyone to begin ranting again which resulted in me getting bored of the constant bickering. Glancing around the room I instantly make eye contact with Bucky. Had he been staring at me, and if so how long? Sarah was seated next to him but she seemed to busy talking to Sam to take notice of Bucky's eyes trained on me. Before I could loose myself anymore into his steel blue eyes I recalled what he had to say when I confessed my love to him. At this thought I tore my attention away from Bucky and looked at the floor instead.

"Well then its settled, the party will be next Saturday. Masquerade is going to be the theme so no telling anyone your identity until the end. Meeting dismissed." Tony declares before leaving the room into his lab. Shortly after everyone files out of the living room expect for myself, Bucky, and Sarah. The awkward tension was rising with each passing second and Sarah must of felt it because she excused herself to go find Sam, leaving only Bucky and me left.

"Can you stop staring at me?" I harshly question still feeling Bucky's gaze burning holes into the side of my head.

"I'm not staring." He snaps back, matching my harsh energy towards him.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" I inquire not seeing the same Bucky I did back in the 40s.

"Nothing has gotten into me. I'm just not in love with you, get over it." He replies but I noticed the way his voice wavered when he claim not to be in love with me. It sounded like it put him through physical pain to say that but at the time I didn't think much of it and stormed out of the room because hearing him say he didn't love me a second time hurt me more then it did the first time.

On the way to my room I ran into Steve who looked to be going somewhere.

"Sorry." I mutter whilst trying to move past him with a few stray tears running down my face. Unfortunately Steve took notice of my state and stopped me from going anywhere.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" He questions quickly while holding me in place by my shoulders.

"Stuff. No. Not physically." I mumble, answering his questions in order. My replies caused a look of concern to flood his face.

"I would ask if you want to talk about it but I'm guessing you'd rather have a distraction." Steve guesses, not failing to be right. In response I just nod my head, too emotionally drained to form any words at the moment.

"Lucky for you I think I know just the thing." He says whilst a playful smirk appears on his face.

He wouldn't reveal to me where we were going instead he practically carried me to the car and drove us to what looked to be an abandoned warehouse.

"Stevie, if you wanted to try and murder me you could have just done it back at the tower." I attempt to joke but fail seeing that my mood wasn't at its best.

"Will you just get out of the car and come on." Steve instructs as he hurries so fast out of the car he almost face-plants into the concrete parking lot.

"Okay grandpa, I'm coming. Don't break a hip now." Stepping out of the car I took notice of the others cars parked in the lot and began to wonder even more where he took me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit concerned about the location.

"This seriously is going on the list of top 10 sketchiest things we've done." I claim just before opening the doors to the warehouse. What I had expected to see was a few rats along with a very dirty empty space but instead I found myself walking into an arcade you would find back in the 80s.

"I take everything I said back." I declare as a genuine smile forms on my face for the first time that day.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go get some tokens and get this party started." Not even a second after Steve announces that he's pulling me in the direction of a counter where you most likely purchased the tokens at. Hours had passed before all the tokens we bought had gone to an end. Not only was it a wonderful distraction from Bucky but I also won several stuffed animals to show for my many wins. As I hopped into the passenger seat I couldn't help but notice my reflection in the windshield. I was smiling, not a fake one, but a genuine one that wasn't forced what so ever. But unfortunately my joy was short lived when I heard Steves ringtone followed along by Bucky's picture lighting up the screen. What surprised me was when Steves mood was also dampened by his other best friend calling him.

"What do you want, Bucky." Steve questions coldly once he presses the button answering the call.

"We need you and Y/n back here. Tony thinks we may have a mission." Bucky answers before hanging up the phone, not allowing Steve to get in a word prior to the beeping signifying the end of the call. What I found odd wasn't that we might have had a mission but that Bucky somehow knew I was with Steve. As far as I was aware he didn't see us leave nor did he follow us. It didn't make any sense to me until I remembered Friday kept log of all camera footages meaning Bucky could have asked her to pull up the last time I was caught on their security system.

"What do you think the mission is going to be?" Steve asks me while he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the street we took to get here.

"I don't know maybe going to get decorations for Tonys party or something stupid like that." I joke causing Steve to laugh, the mood lightening like it had been before Bucky's call.

Once we arrived at the tower we immediately made our way for the living room seeing that's most likely where everyone was meeting but when we got there the only people there were Tony, Thor, and Sam watching a movie.

"Is the meeting already over?" I ask them earning a rather confused look from the three men who were seated on the coach.

"What meeting are you speaking of, Lady Y/n?" Thors questions while both Tony and Sam nod, telling me they were just about to ask the same thing.

"Bucky called Steve about-," I began to explain but pause once I realize what was really going on, "THAT SON OF A BITCH!"

"First of all, language. Second of all, what are you screaming about?"

"That motherfucker, Bucky, made up a meeting to get us back home."

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