01: how to catch a pervert

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She hit the floor, her tailbone slamming down onto the glass-riddled floor. She grunted as she rested her hands onto the ground to support her back. Taehyun squirmed at the thought of her palms smushing into the sharp particles.
"Where'd he go?!" she jumped up to her feet.
"Where'd who go?" the teacher said in an annoyed tone.
"Oh hey Mr. Han," she waved.
"I saw him, that disgusting Mr. Park! I was out tending to the flowers when saw him in the doorway through the window!" she looked around. The class was in shock.
"Do you realize how much damage you just caused Y/N?!" the teacher said.
"Don't tell me he's here," she groaned. The teacher took a deep breath.
"Yes Y/N, Mr. Park is here," he sighed, placing his hand on his hip.
"What, why?!" she complained.
"Y/N you know we aren't allowed to talk about this in front of other students, now please go to the principal's office," he said.
"Fine, fine," she sighed. What on earth is going on??!?! Taehyun's heart was racing.
"Hey Y/N~," a boy towards the front waved to her slyly.
"Hey dude!" she waved back.
"Y/N!" Mr. Han nagged.
"Right!" she straightened up.
"I am sincerely sorry for disturbing your class fellow students, please continue as if I was never here," she bowed. Is this girl an airhead?! Taehyun readjusted his glasses. She began walking to the door until she whipped back around.
"Um, Mr. Han," she said.
"Ugh, what Y/N?" he rolled his eyes.
"Do you think I could go to the nurse's office first?" she asked innocently. Eugh I could puke right now, Taehyun noticed the bleeding gash on her left arm. He hated blood.
"Yes, for Pete's sake, just get out of my sight," he said.
"All right-y," she said before dipping out of the classroom.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL F-," Taehyun stopped himself from cursing in class. The students slowly sunk back into their seats as she left the room.
"All right class, let's continue, just beware of the glass on the floor when you leave," Mr. Han pointed to the ground area between the student desks and his. There were droplets of red left on the floor. How can they all be so relaxed about this?! Taehyun gulped.


Taehyun walked alone in the halls. His last class had just ended. Seriously, what was that?? he thought back to earlier. She crashed through the windows during a whole class and it seemed almost normal! Why did we just carry on?! Who was that girl and why was she so...weird? And what was wrong with Mr. Park that made her crash through our classroom just to find him? he thought.
"Those repairs are going to cost a lot, what were you thinking?" a voice said. Taehyun slowed. He was right outside of the teacher's lounge, in which the door happened to be open.
"This shouldn't be allowed and you know it!" he heard a familiar voice interject. That girl? he put his back up against the wall.
"Look Y/N, there's nothing I can do about it, you should know that by now," they responded, Mr. Han?! Taehyun scooted closer to eavesdrop.
"You should feel sick to your stomach that a pervert like him is running around our school!" Y/N exclaimed. A pervert? Taehyun slowly crept into view of Y/N and Mr. Han. He noticed white bandages wrapped around her hands and left arm, as well as a couple of bandaids on her legs and fingers.
"What happened to him being fired?!" she asked in an angered tone.
"Look, I really can't tell you these things," he said. Y/N folded her arms, staring at him deeply. He rolled his eyes.
"They said there wasn't enough evidence," Mr. Han said quietly as he pushed up his glasses.
"How?? I saw everything! And, and, other girls testified too!" she argued. Testified?! Taehyun was surprised at their conversation. Does this have something to do with what she was talking about earlier? Taehyun wondered.
"Reporting things to the school counselor does not equal testifying," he said.
"You don't believe me, do you?" she asked.
"What? No, I never said that, I'm just stating the facts Y/N," he said. She paused.
"Trust me, I suspect Mr. Park just as much as you do, I just can't do anything about it when I have no evidence," Mr. Han sighed. Mr. Park?! So I was right, Taehyun's eyes widened.
"No, no you don't, cause you still use the word suspect when I know he's guilty!" Y/N argued. Just then, Taehyun felt a tickle in his nose. Oh no, he panicked as the itching sensation in his nose became stronger.
"Ah-choo!" he sneezed. Mr. Han and Y/N's heads whipped to the door where Taehyun's head was now visible.
"Oh dear lord," Mr. Han sighed.
"U-Uhm," Taehyun stuttered as he stepped in front of the doorway view.
"I didn't hear anything!!" he said before dashing off. Mr. Han took a deep breath, returning his focus to Y/N.
"Learn how to shut a door Y/N," he said.
"Learn how to notice an open one," she scrunched her face, leaving for the door. She stomped her way put the room, slamming the heavy brown door closed.
"How's that for shutting a door!" Mr. Han heard her muffled yell through the now-closed door.
"What are we going to do about that girl," he sighed to himself.


Taehyun huffed as he walked out into the empty school courtyard. I can't believe Mr. Park is a school pervert, he gripped his backpack straps. You really had to sneeze right there, didn't you? he scolded himself in second-person. Speedy footsteps could be heard slapping against the pavement far behind him.
"Hey glasses!" someone yelled. Taehyun whipped around.
"I told you I didn't hear anything," he sighed.
"Wait up," she panted. He stopped as she caught up to him, resting her hands on her knees.
"You," she trailed off.
"Me?" he pointed to himself.
"You were in that AP class this morning right?" she rose back up to his level.
"The one you crashed into? Yeah," he rolled his eyes.
"Perfect! You can help me then!" she dropped her hand onto his shoulder.
"With what?" he pushed her hand off of his shoulder awkwardly.
"You're gonna help me catch that pervert," she smiled.
"Mr. Park?" Taehyun backed up.
"So you were listening! Yup, that's exactly what we're gonna do," she stepped closer to his face. There goes my chance of pretending I didn't hear anything, Taehyun's heart sunk.
"Look, I don't know who you are, but I do know that you're crazy, so I'm going home," Taehyun turned back around.
"Okay, let a panty-picture-taking-perverted-teacher roam around our school since you're so comfortable with it!" she yelled at him. He began walking away.
"I never get it with you, gross boys, how can you be so fine with being a silent bystander!" she spat. The word gross punctured through Taehyun.
"Goodbye now," he muttered before walking off.
"Real scummy of you!" she barked at Taehyun as he disappeared from her sight.


That night, Taehyun tossed and turned in his bed. Am I really a gross silent bystander? he wondered. I've only been at this school for two weeks and I'm already roped into something like this! he felt sick to his stomach. I'm not gonna get any sleep like this, Y/N's words circled around him.

Okay, let a panty-picture-taking-perverted-teacher roam around our school since you're so comfortable with it!

I never get it with you, gross boys, how can you be so fine with being a silent bystander!

Real scummy of you!

He huffed. She wanted me to help her catch him? he scratched his head. But I don't even know how to catch a pervert.

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