05: president of the charity club

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It was the first day of the third week of school. The temperatures of September were beginning to settle in, and students would soon start wearing their fall uniforms.

"It popped like a balloon," Yeonjun closed his locker door shut.
"Okay, I really did not need to hear that gross story," Taehyun had a disgusted face.
"What? We were talking about Dr. Pimple Popper! I think it was pretty on topic," Yeonjun placed his hand on his hip.
"We were talking about how much I hate those things!" Taehyun said.
"Oh..." Yeonjun pouted his lips. Yeonjun turned to the right
"Y/N?" he said. Taehyun then turned too.
"Morning Y/N," Yeonjun said as she approached the boys.
"What's with that?" Taehyun pointed to what she was dragging around. It seemed to be one of those grocery store baskets that come with wheels and an extended handle.
"It's what I like to call, an upgrade!" she smiled proudly. That is so busted, but creative I guess, Taehyun scanned the basket.
"Anyways, milk delivery for Lemonhead and..." she turned to Taehyun.
"Redhead!" she smiled. Don't tell me... Taehyun sighed.
"Did you forget my name again?" Taehyun asked.
"No! I just like nicknames," she pouted.
"What's my name then?" Taehyun rolled his eyes.
"Taehyun!" she smiled.
"Last name?" he folded his arms. She paused.
"Yours is strawberry milk right?" she bent down to the basket.
"Mines banana!" Yeonjun said.
"I didn't ask Lemonhead!" she said as she rose back up, handing Yeonjun his banana milk.
"You really contradict yourself," Taehyun said in a monotone voice. She then handed him his strawberry milk.
"Oh, what club did you pick?" Yeonjun asked Taehyun before taking a sip of milk.
"Club?" Taehyun replied.
"You didn't pick a club?!" Yeonjun raised a brow.
"N-no, was I supposed to?" Taehyun was confused.
"Well, we have to join clubs here, unless you're a senior," Yeonjun stated.
"And last Friday was the last day to sign up for one," Yeonjun said.
"So they probably put you in one that had a free slot, like the occult or K-pop club," Yeonjun told him. Anything but the K-pop club! Taehyun thought.
"Seriously?!" Taehyun whined.
"Yup," Yeonjun nodded. The thought of having less free time at home after school plagued Taehyun. I could cry, he thought.
"Well, there is one way you could get out of it," Yeonjun leaned up against his locker.
"What? What?? I'll do anything!" Taehyun rubbed his palms together.
"You can break so many rules that you end up like Y/N that you get banned from being in clubs!" he smiled while pointing at Y/N. She stomped on his foot.
"A-aht!" Yeonjun grabbed his foot, hopping on the other.
"Actually, Lemonhead, I'm the president of a club this year!" she folded her arms smugly.
"H-huh? Really?" he said as he continued to hop. She nodded.
"Did the ban wear off? How long ago were you banned from clubs anyway?" Yeonjun asked.
"I was banned clubs last year because I broke school vending machine on purpose, yadda, yadda," she said in an oddly nonchalant way.
"You what?!" Taehyun scrunched his face.
"It was my first day of the gardening club too," she pouted.
"But that's all in the past! Now, I'm the president of thee, drumroll please," she said. The boys began lightly drumming on the lockers.
"The charity club!" she smiled.
"Eh?" Taehyun replied.
"Well, more like the community service club, but charity sounds better," she said.
"And the point of this club is...?" Yeonjun asked.
"All of the students in the school who have bad behavior reports have to join the club and we'll do community service together!" she said cheerfully.
"Of course anyone could join, it's just mandatory for misunderstood students like us," she placed her hand on her chest. I think students like you are confusing, but definitely not misunderstood, Taehyun thought as he watched her face.
"So you started this club for delinquents?" Yeonjun said.
"What? No. I wouldn't want to make something that gives the school board reason to take misbehaving students away from their favorite clubs, that's horrible!" Y/N seemed to dislike the mandatory part of the club. At least she's thoughtful, Taehyun thought.
"They just made me the president of the club 'cause I had been begging them to let me back in clubs," she giggled. There was a pause.
"Hey Taehyun, you'll join my club, won't you?" she asked.
"You probably could if you went down to the advisory director," Yeonjun said.
"Huh? No way! I don't want to be in a room pent up with a bunch of troublemakers," he said.
"Talking to you every day is enough for me to handle," he told her.
"You can do whatever you want in the club though! Vice-principal Jeon said it didn't matter what we did in the club room as long as we did one community service for the school per week, and I kept all of the members in check!" she made a thumbs up.
"Man, you're making me regret signing up for soccer club early," Yeonjun said.
"No, no, you're a captain, they rely on you, you will not be in my club whatsoever," she poked him.
"So?" she batted her eyes at Taehyun. He paused.
"Remember my last name and we'll talk," he said before walking off.
"Eh?!?!!" she whined.

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