19: and a happy new year...

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The group entered the venue with amazed eyes. The entire ballroom was white and gold, glittering chandeliers hung from the ceiling, there was a huge stage for the jazz band, a bartender doing crazy drink tricks at the bar, luxurious floral centerpieces at each table, and people from all different age groups dressed to rich perfection. The entire thing looked like a wedding venue for the Kardashians. Oh...my...god, Taehyun gulped.
"Holy-moly," Yeonjun said under his breath as he took it all in.
"This place is..." Jihan trailed off in awe.
"A venue my great uncle rented out," Sungchan said, as if he was helping Jihan understand where she was.
"I don't even know what a great uncle is but shit this place is cool!" Harry June said. It feels a little too...advanced for us, Taehyun gulped.
"How rich are you again?" Taehyun asked rhetorically.
"He's in the top three list for life net worth in the school," Renjun answered Taehyun's question—even though he wasn't looking for an answer. Holy mary.
"Is that champagne?" Minji asked, pointing over a table with rows of champagne glasses.
"Yes," Sungchan nodded.
"Oh, this is about to be fun," Minji grinned, taking off towards the table.

"So now you guys can drink? I'm confused," Taehyun said, referencing his conversation with Renjun earlier.
"Not you—we," Yeonjun smirked, handing Taehyun a glass of champagne. The two of them stood in a corner by the buffet while the others mingled.
"Are you sure we won't get in trouble?" Taehyun took the glass reluctantly.
"Oh, yeah! For fancy people standards, as long as you're older than like fourteen you can drink at events or holidays n' stuff," Yeonjun said before taking a sip. Fancy people? Just say rich.
"But like—only wine and champagne. No beer 'cause that's trashy, and no hard liquor 'cause that's a drinking problem, y'know?" Yeonjun said.
"Sure..." Taehyun said before taking a sip. Yuck.
"Now c'mon, let's get closer to the music and go flirt with old ladies," Yeonjun smiled, pulling Taehyun by his sleeve.
"So you do have a thing for grannies!" Taehyun laughed.

The teens scattered around, dancing to the music that flowed throughout the giant ballroom. It was quite the sight. The band played covers of popular songs with a jazz twist. Minji raised her glass into the air as she pulled Ryujin to the middle of the floor, trying to loosen her up. Sungmin and Harry June, downed their second or third glasses of champagne as they followed the girls.
"I love dancing," Chaewon giggled as took Hyejoo's hand. Meanwhile, Taehyun stood there like an awkward stop sign, or something else that's red and completely stiff.
"C'mon, let's get it Tae!" Yeonjun started bouncing at Taehyun on the dance floor.
"I'm good, man," Taehyun grinned lightly and shook his head.
"But it's Beyoncé! C'mon!" Yeonjun danced around him.
"Got me lookin' so crazy right now~!" Yeonjun sang to him. The others looked and laughed at Yeonjun as he danced around Taehyun in a circle. Taehyun rolled his eyes.
"I think I need another drink," he sighed, trying to escape Yeonjun's dance circle of death.
"Ooh, good idea! Get me one too!" Yeonjun said as he began to shuffle.
"You'll become a freak of nature if you have anymore," Taehyun walked off.


As it got closer and closer to midnight, more and more empty champagne glasses piled up.
"It's not like I wanna be addicted, y'know? It's just so hard to put it down," Harry June yelled into Sungmin's ear over the music. Sungmin nodded with an understanding expression.
"I think when I quit smoking I needed sumn' to occupy myself, but I've gotta feeling this could become a problem for me," Harry June said.
"I don't think you should be scared, my aunt is way worse about it than you bro," Sungmin said.
"I don't know man, I just fuckin' love Candy Crush, I can't stop playing it," Harry June bounced to the music.

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