08: is she...y'know?

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It was a bright and sunny day for the month of October. Taehyun cruised down the street with Yeonjun. They had just had a sleepover the night before and were on their way to the bookstore.
"I'm sure they have the latest release in stock, now you don't have to rush!" Taehyun whined as Yeonjun pulled him along the sidewalk.
"I'm just so excited, the manga left off on a cliffhanger last chapter," Yeonjun pulled him into the bookstore.
"Hey boys," the clerk greeted them. Though Yeonjun didn't live very close to him, Yeonjun frequented Taehyun's neighborhood so often that everyone there knew him almost as well as they did Taehyun.
"Hey Mr. San," Yeonjun waved at him.
"What're ya looking for?" Mr. San asked.
"You know what I need, you got the goods?" Yeonjun leaned on the counter.
"Yeah I got it, but they're not that much left," Mr. San whispered.
"Gosh, you guys are making this sound like a drug deal," Taehyun shook his head.
"Where is it?" he asked.
"It's near the back," Mr. San pointed to the back of the small store.
"Let's go," he grabbed Yeonjun by the back of his collar.
"Thank you Mr. San!" Yeonjun thanked Mr. San.

Taehyun wandered through the different aisles, hands shoved his pockets, while Yeonjun was purchasing his book. He entered through the last aisle mindlessly, only coming to his senses when he recognized someone. He saw Jihan deeply immersed in reading something, her cheeks glowing with a faint red.
"Jihan?" he said purely out of reflex. She whipped her head up to him immediately.
"Hm?!" she seemed surprised. It was only when Taehyun looked down at the book she was reading that he realized which aisle he was in. A lewd manga?! he was shocked. Lewd manga, a story that includes erotic scenes.
"What the f-," he stopped.
"Vice-prez?!" she shoved the book behind her. I should've known better then to randomly walk to the 19+ aisle! Taehyun was embarrassed. Why is she here though? It's not like she could buy that book-, oh, she was reading it right here instead, Taehyun sighed.
"W-what are you doing here?!" she gulped.
"Uh, I'm with Yeonjun, he's buying a new comic," Taehyun said awkwardly. She probably thinks I went looking down here on purpose too! Taehyun panicked. It's best to lie and act like I never saw her book, he decided.
"Did you see him down here? I think I lost him," Taehyun kept his calm.
"N-no, actually I got lost down here too," she said. Perfect, all embarrassing conversations avoided, he had a sigh of relief.

Yeonjun, Taehyun, and Jihan all stood outside of the bookstore now.
"You can hang out with us if you want, we're gonna check out a few more shops before heading back home," Yeonjun said.
"I'm not really allowed to hang out with boys, but I was planning on going to the market at the end of the street so I guess it won't hurt," she smiled. Seriously dude?!

"You have strict parents Jihan?" Yeonjun asked as they walked down the street.
"Yeah, they set a lot of rules and expectations for me," Jihan laughed awkwardly. If you two are talking...THEN WHY AM I IN THE MIDDLE?!! Taehyun was not comfortable with the situation he was in.
"Dang," Yeonjun responded.
"Do you have strict parents?" she asked.
"Nah, they let me do whatever as long as I'm not failing any classes or disrespecting them," Yeonjun said.
"What about you Taehyun?" she asked. Taehyun jumped.
"Um, well they let me do whatever I want to, but my grade expectations are a little higher than this dummy's," Taehyun poked Yeonjun in the head.
"Oh and if I get in trouble, I probably won't see daylight for a week," Taehyun said.
"W-what?! They lock you up in the house??" Jihan said.
"No, it was a figure of speech, my mom is just..." Taehyun trailed off.
"Scary!" Yeonjun finished his sentence.
"Hey!" Taehyun was about to hit him.
"And loving! I love Mrs. Kang very much and she loves me too, you just don't wanna see her mad," Yeonjun explained. Taehyun dropped his hand.
"He's right," he sighed.

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