10: scarf

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Students were scattered across the courtyard, the morning air was brisk. It had been three days since the Halloween disaster, and November was only colder.

Taehyun walked down the pavement. For once, he had made it to school early. As he got closer to the entrance of the building, he stopped. He noticed Y/N at the side of the building, she seemed to be looking around like a criminal. What's up with her? he wondered. Just then, she made eye contact with him. From that, she began flagging him down, waving her hands crazily so he would come over. I should've just kept walking, he rolled his eyes before making his way over to her.

She still had some bandages on her face from the incident on Halloween.
"What're you doing now?" he shoved his hands in his pockets. She moved to the rolling grocery basket that she always had with her.
"Here's your milk for today," she picked up a strawberry milk carton and handed it to him.
"Oh," he said as he took it.
"That's it?" he said.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"No other crazy things going on over here?" he asked.
"No...?" Y/N said. He sighed.
"Alright then, I guess I'll g-" his attention was immediately distracted as he saw Y/N's bag, which was in the ground, move.



"What's in your bag?"

"Promise you won't be mad?"


"Okay, you can't freak out,"

"Just say it already,"

"It's the raccoon from Halloween..."



"Y/N WHAT THE F—" Y/N slapped her hands over Taehyun's face.
"Shhh! I don't wanna get in trouble!" she looked into his eyes. He choked on air and began coughing.
"Are you s-serious Y/N?" he said between coughs.
"I can explain," she said.
"P-Please do," he cleared his throat.
"Well, I went walking in the park the next day," she said.
"Of course you did," he shook his head.
"And I found him in a bush," Y/N pointed to the bag.
"It's a boy?" Taehyun sighed.
"Turns out that action movie kick Hyejoo did to get him off of my face broke one of his ribs," Y/N frowned.
"And not only that, he was super hungry," she said.
"This cannot be happening," Taehyun rolled his eyes.
"Since it was daytime, he was sleepy, and he was also like about to die, so he didn't mind when I picked him up and brought him back home," she smiled.
"And what did you're mom think of this?" Taehyun asked.
"Well she's a vet so-" he cut Y/N off.
"Yeah, never mind, of course she is," he said.
"So now that he's recovering, he's become very...attached to me," she said. Taehyun dropped his head down and stared at the floor.
"So you brought him to school," he sighed.
"He's pretty young too, if I hadn't found him then he probably would've been a goner," Y/N crouched down to her bag. She moved her fingers to her zipper. Slowly, she opened the bag, revealing a sleeping raccoon wearing a bandage.
"Isn't he so cute?" she smiled.
"Yeah, sure," Taehyun kept his distance from the raccoon.
"What's his name?" he asked.
"Scarf," she replied. His heart sunk.
"You could've at least given the poor creature a good name," Taehyun sighed.
"What do you mean? His name is Scarf because I had a scarf that looked like his tail," she said.
"Yeah, whatever, how are you planning to keep that thing a secret for the whole school day?" Taehyun asked.
"With help from a very kind sidekick," she smiled. Taehyun's face dropped.
"Oh no, if you think I'm doing that you're sadly mistaken," Taehyun said.
"Please!" Y/N pouted. Hide an entire raccoon?


Why does this always happen to me? Taehyun sighed as he stared at the sleeping raccoon inside Y/N's bag. They had agreed to leave Scarf in the club room during classes and return to check on him during break periods. Currently, it was lunchtime. If that thing wakes up and attacks me it is over for Y/N, Taehyun sat on the floor, his back up against the sliding door. The same door that just then, suddenly slid open.
"Ow!" Taehyun's head came crashing down on the ground. He looked upon to see Y/N's face staring down at him. She smiled.
"Sorry it took me so long, I had to finish dropping off all of the milk cartons," Y/N apologized.
"That's what you're sorry for?" he sat back up and rubbed his head.
"How's my Scarfy?" she skipped over to her opened book bag.
"Sleeping," he fixed his glasses.
"Not anymore," she smiled down at the bag.
"Did he wake up?" he asked nervously.
"Barely, c'mere," she asked him to come over to the bag.
"No thank you," he said as he looked at the bandaids on her face.
"But I want to introduce as many people to him while he's like this," she whined.
"Like what?" he took a step closer.
"He's injured and tired so he's not as hostile," she rubbed Scarf's belly.
"Fine," he sighed. She's really serious about this raccoon, huh, he walked over to the bag. As soon as Taehyun made eye contact with Scarf, he started growling.
"What'd I tell you," he dropped his hands. Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the ground with her.
"Scarfy look, look," she interlocked fingers with Taehyun as raised it in front of the snarling raccoon's eyes.
"What are you doing-?" a flustered Taehyun was cut off by Y/N then patting his head.
"Friend, friend, see?" she spoke to Scarf. She's really patting my head for a raccoon right now, he was frozen. Scarf seemed to calm down.
"Now, he's your friend too," she took Taehyun's hand, guiding her's on top of his. She slowly moved Taehyun's hand closer and closer to the top of the raccoon's head.
"Woah, w-what are you trying to do?" Taehyun's heart was racing.
"You're gonna pet his head, very lightly," she whispered.
"H-Huh?!" he tried to jerk his head back but she held it strong.
"Shhh, you don't wanna scare him," she said softly. Taehyun shut his eyes, ready to flinch at any moment.
"Just relax Scarf," she said to the raccoon. He doesn't understand you, y'know, Taehyun thought to himself. Slowly, he felt something furry reach the tips of his fingers. He slightly flinched but kept still. Please don't bite my hand off, please, please, please, Taehyun slowly cracked one of his eyes open.
"See? It's all good," she smiled as she pressed his hand on Scarf's head.
"He really is something else," Taehyun commented.

The bell suddenly sounded off.
"Crap!" Taehyun moved his hand back.
"Lunch is already over?" Y/N tilted her head. Taehyun stood up.
"C'mon, we're gonna be late if we don't go now," he said while facing the door. She can't look at my face, no matter what, he thought to himself. His cheeks and ears were burning with red.
"Alright, bye-bye Scarfy, sleep tight, I'll be back soon," she slowly zipped the bag back up, leaving a gap for air. Y/N then stood up, brushing off her bottom and walking over to Taehyun. For some reason, neither of them were moving. Just staring out into the dim hall from the room.
"Your heart was beating really fast," Y/N said without looking at Taehyun.
"What? How'd you know?" he turned to her.
"I could feel it on my boobs," she finally turned to him.
"W-What?!" he backed up.
"Through you're back, remember?" she said. He realized she was talking about when his back was against her chest.
"You really need to get better at explaining things," he shook his head.
"Whatever, let's go Redhead!" Y/N grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down the hall.

Later, Y/N would introduce Scarf to each of the club members (plus Yeonjun who snuck in to see Scarf before soccer practice, after he heard about the raccoon from Taehyun). Overall, Scarf took it well, he seems to really like Chaewon and he only tried to pounce on Hyejoo because he still remembered her kicking him. Alls well ends well.

a/n: fun fact i used to have a pet raccoon! just a little baby that we raised until she was big enough and then we released her. it was cool!

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