06: newspaper boy

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It had been two weeks since the first day for clubs. October was approaching fast. Life at the academy was as quiet as it could be, for such a strange school. But conspiracy was on the rise.

"Y/N," Taehyun approached Y/N who was out in the school garden.
"Hey Taehyun," she rolled up her sleeves. He noticed the big scar on her left arm from the first day he met her.
"Can we talk for a moment?" he asked.
"Sure," she said as she wheeled around a dinky machine.
"What is that?" he asked.
"It's a pressure washer, the sidewalks get pretty dirty here from the gardening club, so I've gotta spray 'em down," she huffed.
"That's exactly why I came here," Taehyun sighed.
"What? Oh, thanks, but I don't need any help redhead," she smiled. Taehyun shook his head.
"No, not that, I came here to ask you why you've been doing so many chores around the school recently," he asked. It was true. Ever since the club started, Y/N never seemed to catch a break. She was constantly helping others out of nowhere, and it was even putting a strain on her milk service.
"It's like I barely see you around school, and you even forgot to send the advisory director last week's club papers," Taehyun said.
"Sorry, sorry, but these things aren't gonna get done by themselves," she said.
"Alright, cut the crap, who's making you do this stuff?" Taehyun rested his hands on his hips. She paused.
"I think I'm gonna start wearing my fall uniform tomorrow," she said.
"Eh?!" Taehyun was completely ignored.
"Next thing you know, it'll be chilly," she looked at the sky.
"Ugh," Taehyun whined. She's not gonna tell me is she? he thought. I guess I'll have to figure out myself, he sighed.


"Just as I thought," Taehyun said. He stared down at a sticky note taped to the wooden podium.

sorry i can't make it to club today!
the agenda is by the chalkboard
make sure they behave, vice-prez.
xo, y/n

"Alright, that's it," he looked up to the other club members who staring at him in their chairs.
"What's going on?" Jihan asked.
"We're gonna find out why Y/N is acting as the school's dog!" he slammed his hands on the podium.
"She has been hard to catch recently," Sungmin said.
"She's the school dog?" Chaewon said.
"Oh hell no, I won't let her become a slave to this stupid school," Hyejoo held Chaewon's hand angrily.
"How would we get it to stop though?" Harry June asked.
"Hm," Taehyun paused.
"Why don't we start by simply asking the staff?" Taehyun proposed.


"What?" Taehyun scrunched his face.
"We have not been giving her any orders of that sort young man," front desk woman, Mrs. Bae, said. Taehyun stood at the front door opening of the school office; all of the other club members peeking behind him.
"Who could be telling her to do that stuff then?" Taehyun asked.
"Maybe, she just likes to help the school out, you guys should understand, you're literally the charity club," she said. Taehyun huffed.

"Well that was no help," he said as they walked down the hall.
"Literally no one joined this club because they wanna help the school," Hyejoo rolled her eyes.
"I did," Sungchan said quietly.
"Oh whatever tree branch," she whipped her hair.
"Hey, be nice to Chan, he can't help that he's going to heaven," Taehyun shoved his hands in his pockets. Sungmin and Harry June chuckled.
"Where to next?" Jihan clasped her hands.
"I'm not sure, who else could be behind this?" Taehyun wondered.
"We could follow Y/N!" Chaewon suggested.
"Or interrogate her," Sungmin said.
"We could use pain or mental torture," Hyejoo added. Everyone turned to her slowly.
"Get help," Taehyun blinked.
"I don't have any ideas," Jihan sighed.
"Or we could ask the people she's done work for," Sungchan said. They all went silent.
"Yeah, that's definitely better," Taehyun said.
"You're smart Chan," Chaewon smiled.
"It wasn't even that hard to think of..." he mumbled.
"Why didn't I think of that?" Harry June said.
"Because you're dumb," Sungmin flicked him in the forehead.
"D-ow!" he rubbed his head.
"You're both dimwits, now let's get going," Hyejoo said.
"Alright," Taehyun began walking again. Gosh being the leader is hard, he sighed. Where's Y/N when you need her?

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