07: the student council

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"So the student council is making her their dog?" Taehyun said.
"Is that even allowed?" Jihan said in a worried tone. Now, the lights were on in Renjun's club room, and the teens sitting in a circle of the floor.
"Not really, which is why I'm sticking my nose in this too," Renjun said.
"Not that I actually care about if Y/N gets worked or not, but it would be a great story for the school paper," he said.
"Student council shoves hard labor onto the school's known and loved milk-hero, Y/N," Renjun fantasized about what type if headline he could make.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, what should I do?" Taehyun asked.
"Go talk to them," Renjun said.
"Simple as that?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow.
"Simple as that," he replied. For some reason, I feel like he's not telling the whole truth, Taehyun thought.
"Well then, let's go confront 'em!" Taehyun clenched his fist.
"Yeah!" Harry June exclaimed.
"Let's show them who they're messing with!" Hyejoo added.
"Yeah, nobody uses Y/N!" Jihan said.
"We better go there right now!" Sungmin said.


They marched down the halls, bidding their goodbyes to Renjun and his club members not too long ago. Taehyun took a deep breath as they slowed down. They were one sliding door away from confronting the student council members. Is this really what we should do? he wondered. No, I can't back out now, they could be leaving school any minute anyways, he thought. He raised his fist up to the door and knocked. The other students shuffled around behind him nervously. As the door slid open, he clenched his teeth.
"Hello?" a girl greeted them.
"I-is this the student council room?" he asked.
"Sure is!" she smiled. The girl had a naturally sweet face.
"We're from the charity club, um, we wanted to speak with you guys," he said.
"You're the new guy who helped get Mr. Park fired aren't you??" she pointed at him.
"Yeah..." he was surprised she know about that.
"You don't know about us then, do you?" she asked.
"No, not really," he responded.
"I can introduce you then! Come in," she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in the room. His other club members slowly followed. Maybe this isn't so bad, he thought. As he stepped inside, he immediately noticed three other students sitting at a long table. They all had intimidating looks on their faces, staring him down in silence.
"Hey guys, the new guy had a question for us!" she said to the students.
"New kid, this is the student council," she smiled. He wasn't sure what to do.
"I'm Ning Yizhuo, but everyone calls me NingNing," the girl smiled and let go of his hand.

Ning Yizhuo (popularly known as NingNing), was a sophomore at the academy

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Ning Yizhuo (popularly known as NingNing), was a sophomore at the academy. It was her first year in the student council and she was known for her soft fashion sense (found on her social media), and bubbly personality.

She pointed to a pretty girl sitting to the left of the table.
"That there is Kim Minji, she's a junior," she said.
"Hey there," the girl waved at him while chewing a piece of bubblegum.

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