09: happy halloween!

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"I can't believe I agreed to this," Taehyun sulked.
"C'mon man, it's gonna be fun!" Yeonjun tugged his shirt. The night sky was covered with stars and a bright half-moon. Yeonjun and Taehyun walked through a secluded park; street lamps illuminating the area.
"It's a school night Jun," Taehyun reasoned.
"And it's Halloween Taehyun," Yeonjun wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"I don't know man, you know I hate scary stuff," Taehyun pouted.
"And I love it, so let's go!" Yeonjun grabbed Taehyun's shirt and ran.

"At least it's not scary," Taehyun sighed. In front of him was a roofed park table area, inhabited by his club members who had set up food and drinks. No, no, there's more people, Taehyun scanned the scene. She invited Renjun and the student council too?! Taehyun was ready to book it home as he spotted the familiar faces.
"It's Taehyun!" NingNing saw him first. She trotted over to the boys in her heels.
"Hey, Ning!" Yeonjun greeted her. She pulls off Mulan pretty well, he scanned her costume. Without realizing it, they both made eye contact. But it was quickly broken by the other council members and Renjun who had followed her.
"Hey guys," Minji waved. She wore a spaghetti strap red dress with a darker red boa around her arms. And of course, strangely realistic demon horns on her head.
"Aren't you cold?" Taehyun asked.
"I don't get cold when I look this good," Minji said. I should've expected that answer, Taehyun sighed.
"What're you losers?" Ryujin asked. Taehyun almost jumped. After confronting her and watching her cry, he had never felt safe around her. Ryujin smirked at his fear. Her costume consisted of a white v-neck shirt that bunched up at her elbows, high-waisted black pants, one small gold hoop earring in her left ear, and a green dangling earring in her right. Taehyun was wearing an all-red outfit with a big K on his t-shirt. It was the same for Yeonjun except his outfit was yellow with a big M.
"We're ketchup and mustard." Yeonjun and Taehyun suddenly felt a lot more lame saying it out loud, exchanging awkward glances
"Oh yeah, like your hair colors," Minji smacked her gum. Ryujin snickered at this, making fun of them. Well this totally isn't humiliating. A smirking Renjun approached the group from behind—wearing a blue suit with a red bow tie and his usual glasses.
"Don't be so mean Prez," Renjun lightly hit her on the head.
"Oh screw you," she rolled her eyes.
"What are you supposed to be?" Yeonjun asked cluelessly.
"I'm Howl, from Howl's Moving Castle?" Ryujin said.
"Sure," Yeonjun had no idea what she was talking about.
"Also Renjun, c'mon man, you were supposed to wear a costume," Yeonjun pointed at Renjun.
"Dude seriously? I'm Detective Conan," Renjun shook his head.
"Oh," Yeonjun realized.
"Heh, sorry, you just kind of look like Renjun with a blue blazer, red bow thing, and discount Skechers," Yeonjun smiled like he didn't just diss him. Taehyun looked at all of them.
"Wait—don't you guys have another member?" Taehyun asked.
"Yeah, Jisung, he's over there by the drinks," Minji pointed at the tables that weren't too far away.
"He and that quiet Sungchan kid get along pretty well," NingNing smiled as she watched them converse. Jisung's cat costume was so obviously a last-minute solution from the student council. A banana? Taehyun turned to Sungchan who was talking to Jisung. He was surprised such a quiet kid was so daring to wear an entire banana costume. This got him curious. He scanned the area again. He immediately noticed someone wearing one of those bedsheet ghost costumes. I don't need to see what idiot is underneath that sheet to know it's Harry June, he thought. Next to the sheet ghost was obviously Jung Sungmin who was dressed in a prince outfit. He is the farthest thing from the gracefulness of royalty but he sure has the looks for it, he judged. He also noticed another pair. To no surprise, it was Hyejoo and Chaewon. Hyejoo wore a familiar red and white hat with her outfit while Chaewon wore a yellow onesie with some black markings. Female Ash Ketchum and Human Pikachu, huh? he studied them. Talking to the couple was Jihan who was wearing a Zelda costume. Is she a cosplayer or something?! he was surprised at how high-quality her costume was. That leaveshis thoughts were cut off by someone pouncing on him from behind.
"Gyah-!" he whipped around. What is that?! the person in front of him had crazy SFX makeup on their face. It was like their skin was coming off.
"Hey Tyun~" she smiled.
"Sheesh Y/N, you look scary," Yeonjun said. She really looks like she just got in two bar fights and then crawled out of Hell, his heartbeat was going fast.
"I did her makeup," Minji raised her hand.
"I'm a zombie!" Y/N said cheerfully. She wore her regular style of clothing and made it look like it went through a paper shredder.
"You should do it on me sometime!" Yeonjun laughed.
"Maybe I will," Minji replied. I never thought the one person that was gonna scare me here would be you, he thought.
"Can we go eat now? I'm starving," Yeonjun whined.
"Yeah, the fried chicken is gonna get cold," Ryujin said. They began moving towards the tables.
"We better have sprite!" Yeonjun jumped.

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