03: ask before you kiss me

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"I mean if one of my colleagues tried to touch my sister I'd beat them up too!" Yeonjun said before shoving a scoop of rice in his mouth.
"Mr. Han is pretty young isn't he?" Taehyun said.
"Yeah, students get crushes on him almost as much as they do for me," Yeonjun flattered himself. Taehyun chose to ignore his comment, probably because it was true.
"Speaking of which," Taehyun rolled his eyes and gestured towards the gaggle of girls watching them.

"Yeonjun looks so cute!"

"Who's that boy sitting with him?"

"That's Kang Taehyun, he's pretty handsome!"

"That's the boy who got Mr. Park fired!"

"No way!"

"Get out, that's so cool,"

"S-s'cuse me!" someone said.


"I think I have a class with him next!"

"Coming through!" the group began to get pushed around.


"Outta the way!" the person made it out of the small crowd.

"Y/N?" Yeonjun turned. She carried a big crate of small milk cartons, grunting as she walked over to the small table where the boys were having lunch. She set the crate down and let out a deep breath.
"You the new kid?" she asks Taehyun.
"W-what?" Taehyun stuttered. She just stood there. Did she forget about me already??! Taehyun's eyes widened.
"That would be me," he smiled awkwardly. She set the crate down.
"Yahoooo!" she jumped around.
"I'm so confused," Taehyun looked at Yeonjun. Yeonjun shrugged.
"Say, new kid, you look a lot like this guy named..." she trailed off.
"I never asked for his name but he wore glasses like you," she pointed at him. Are you kidding me? Taehyun rubbed his temples.
"Anyways! Do you like milk?" she asked.
"Uh, I guess," he sighed.
"Well, you're in luck because I've got three flavors for you to choose from!" She leaned down to the crate and picked up three different cartons.
"Regular," she set down a carton with baby blue packaging.
"Banana," a yellow one.
"And strawberry," a pink one.
"I'll take strawberry," Taehyun took the pink and white carton.
"Can I have one?" Yeonjun asked. Y/N turned and glared at him for a while.
"Fine," she said.
"Yes!" he snatched the banana milk. She still doesn't like Yeonjun, Taehyun ripped the packaged straw off of the carton.
"What's this for anyway?" Taehyun asked before taking a sip of his milk.
"I'm the school's new milk-man!" she said.
"Or milk-woman..." she muttered.
"Wait so this costs money?!" Taehyun said.
"I mean I could be either it doesn't really matter," she was lost in her own conversation.
"I'll pay for it," Yeonjun sipped.
"Milk-woman is kind of long," she whispered.
"Well I'm not," Taehyun said.
"Y/N?" he raised a brow.
"Huh?! Oh yes, your friendly school milk-hero is here!" she puffed up her chest. And to think I thought she had a brain, Taehyun sighed.
"I'll bring you guys free milk every day, as long as you give me the cartons in return," she told them.
"Really? Why?" Yeonjun asked.
"Well, Coach Kim said I can be in the talent show if I obtain enough empty milk cartons to give to the art teacher!" she smiled.
"How much is enough?" Yeonjun asked.
"You have to work to be in the talent show?" Taehyun asked.
"She's banned from a lot of things at school, so she has to earn them back if she really wants to do something," Yeonjun explained. Sheesh, Taehyun was surprised.
"I have to collect four..." she said.
"Oh what? Well, that's easy!" Yeonjun said.
"Thousand." she finished.
"Four thousand, yeah, sounds about right," she smiled.
"What the fu-?" Taehyun was cut off by Yeonjun.
"Dude how are you gonna get four thousand milk cartons?" Yeonjun shook his head.
"Easy! Get forty people in my free milk subscription, and all I have to do is give them milk every day for one hundred days," she explained. Not this again, Taehyun was whining at the fact that she was confusing him by being dumb and smart at the same time.
"So, it's a deal?" she smiled. Taehyun sipped the carton dry.
"Yup, here you go," he gestured the carton to her.
"Actually, could you keep it until the end of the day?" she asked kindly. He was a bit taken aback at how normal she sounded, compared to... whatever she usually acted like.
"I guess," he shrugged.
"Thanks, cause I don't really have anywhere to put it since my crate is full," she told them.
"Does that mean we're your first customers?!" Yeonjun smiled.
"Mm, yeah," she discarded him with her eyes.
"Ouch," Taehyun leaned on the table. Y/N then whipped around.
"Hah! You see that! Two people already!" she yelled to Coach Kim who was at the back cafeteria. He just chuckled at shook his head. Coach Kim seems cool, Taehyun thought. She then turned back around.
"Welp! I gotta go, I've got milks to give out and lives to save!" she went back to being extra.

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