12: punch me

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"No! No!" Taehyun screamed as he ran out the bottom floor exit.
"C'mon, it's good to face your fears!" Y/N chased after him.
"Hell no!" Taehyun dashed across the campus.
"It's just a little bit of blood!" she yelled. Currently, Y/N was chasing Taehyun around the school with a bloody tissue. Moments before, Y/N had run into the club room with a bloody nose. Immediately, Taehyun got farthest away from her, which she realized. As she attempted to corner him in the club room, he escaped.

"Just stop!" Taehyun made it past the empty picnic tables and was approaching the hill before the soccer field.
"Just come here!" she ran after him. How is she so fast?! Taehyun noticed she was gaining on him. Suddenly, his foot hit a rock in the ground, catapulting Taehyun down the hill.
"Ahhhhhh~!" he screamed as he rolled down the hill. As he rolled he could see the bodies of the soccer players approaching. His rolling slowly came to a stop as he landed in the middle of the field.
"Ugh," Taehyun pressed his hands down on the grass and lifted himself up.
"Gosh," he grunted as he stood up. Woah, his balance was completely thrown off and his vision was spinning. Just when he thought he was dizzy enough, a soccer ball came flying into the air, hitting him on the head and sending him back down to the ground.

"Ow..." he groaned. He could see a pair of feet marching over to him. Suddenly, two hands grabbed his shirt by the collar aggressively.
"Get out of my shot, loser!" the person yelled. Taehyun slowly blinked out of his discombobulation. Standing above him was a boy with brown hair, tan skin, and defined muscles.
"H-Huh...?" he was confused.
"Get up!" he yelled. Taehyun was at a loss for words.
"I said get up!" the boy pulled at Taehyun's collar and swung him to his feet.
"Woah~!" Taehyun yelped as he was being manhandled.
"Sunwoo!" someone else yelled. The both of them turned. It was Yeonjun.
"I said you couldn't play with us if you were gonna be rude," Yeonjun approached them.
"I'm not being rude!" the boy argued as he gripped Taehyun's shirt.

Kim Sunwoo, a junior, famously known for being the star player of the basketball team, and infamously known for scaring his classmates

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Kim Sunwoo, a junior, famously known for being the star player of the basketball team, and infamously known for scaring his classmates. Often throwing fits of rage when things don't go his way and using force when thinks it's "necessary". Though everyone sees the self-centered and angry side of him on a daily, a small few have been the witness of a different part of him.

"Sunwoo, let go," Yeonjun told him.
"Fine," he rolled his eyes and let go of Taehyun causing him to fall right back down on the ground.
"Ow!" Taehyun exclaimed.
"I said I'd let you play with my team for the day as long as you didn't get into any fights," Yeonjun said. Sunwoo nodded.
"And that's exactly what you just did bro," Yeonjun said.
"Wha-, I didn't fight him!" Sunwoo protested.
"You got pretty close!" Yeonjun said. Sunwoo scoffed.
"Y'know what, I'm done with you losers," Sunwoo rolled his eyes.
"You and your little soft friend can play your stupid soft game of soccer and be...soft!" Sunwoo yelled and stormed off. Yeonjun just sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"This is why I don't try playing wimpy sports!" they could hear Sunwoo complaining as he walked away.
"Geez," Taehyun finally stood back up.
"Who was that?" he asked.
"That was Kim Sunwoo, he's a...character," Yeonjun said.
"I'm surprised he didn't hit you," Yeonjun laughed.
"Guess that anger management is working," Yeonjun said. Anger management?!
"That's...his progress?!" Taehyun was shocked.
"Yup, one full year of hard work," Yeonjun stretched.
"One year?!" Taehyun was practically shaking.
"I gotta get back to the club room," Taehyun sighed.
"You do that, I've got to get back to practice," Yeonjun said. Taehyun still stood in shock as the yellow-haired boy began walking away.
"Oh, Taehyun, by the way," Yeonjun turned back around to him.
"Huh?" Taehyun responded.
"Your nose is bleeding," he pointed out.
"My what...?" he froze.
"Yeah, might wanna clean that up," Yeonjun said before turning back around. Taehyun lifted his fingers up to his nose. He pulled his hand back out to his vision, to see red blood had stained it.
"Need a tissue, nosebleed-buddy?" he heard someone say behind him. Taehyun spun around. It was Y/N smiling with two pieces of tissue stuck in her nostrils.
"Ahhhhhh!" he screamed in agony.

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