02: sherlock and the other one

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Taehyun yawned as he twisted his locker lock. The halls were flooded with students who had just gotten to school.
"Kang Taehyun!" someone yelled behind him. Before he could turn around, he felt a slap on his back.
"What's up man!" a boy with neon yellow hair smiled. I'd know that voice from anywhere, Taehyun sighed.
"Hey Yeonjun," he turned to the boy who was leaning against the locker next to his.

"Hey Yeonjun," he turned to the boy who was leaning against the locker next to his

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Choi Yeonjun, the school's popular boy and soccer team captain. Blessed with good looks and outstanding charisma, everyone at the school was obsessed with him. He was also Taehyun's childhood friend from middle school. Though they went off to different high schools, they kept their friendship strong throughout. Of course, that's different now that Taehyun has transferred to the same school.

"Did I scare you?" Yeonjun asked.
"No, you just hurt my back," Taehyun said.
"My bad, my bad," Yeonjun giggled as he rubbed Taehyun's back. Taehyun was about to say something when someone else spoke.
"Glasses!" someone yelled at Taehyun.
"Huh?" Yeonjun turned around.
"Please no," Taehyun sighed and closed his eyes. It was Y/N, marching over, chest puffed.
"Outta the way Lemonhead," Y/N shoved Yeonjun out of her way forcefully. Sheesh, Taehyun was surprised that someone dared to treat Yeonjun in such a way.
"Hey Y/N," Yeonjun smiled brightly as if she hadn't just physically removed him out of her way.
"You ready to catch him today?" she leaned up against the locker where Yeonjun once was.
"W-what? I told I'm not doing it!" Taehyun argued.
"I bet you were up all night last night feeling bad after what I said to you, weren't you?" she smiled. How did she know?! Taehyun gulped.
"Whatchu guys talking 'bout?" Yeonjun jumped up and down behind Y/N.
"None of your business Lemonhead," she rolled her eyes. Why does she dislike Jun so much? Taehyun wondered.
"I got a nickname!" Yeonjun danced. Bare minimum bro, Taehyun shook his head.
"C'mon~, we'll be like Sherlock and the other one!" she lightly hit Taehyun's shoulder.
"You mean John Watson?" Taehyun scrunched his face at her relaxed stupidity. He stood in thought for a second. If what this girl is saying is true...then I shouldn't sit back and watch, Taehyun bit his lip.
"Fine, what do I need to do?" he rolled his eyes.
"Yes!" she rejoiced.
"Meet me in the hall outside the lunchroom during lunch," she told him.
"Alright, alright," he sighed.
"Promise?" she held out her pinky. A pinky promise? It doesn't get any more childish with this girl, he thought before locking his pinky around hers.
"Scum card, revoked! See ya later!" she said cheerfully before skipping away. Taehyun took in another sigh.
"Seriously, what're you guys going on about?" Yeonjun asked cluelessly.


He stood out in the empty hallway awkwardly. Where is she?? he paced. All of the sudden, he felt a hand wrap around his arm.
"Gyah-!!" Taehyun jumped. Oh, it's just Y/N, he had his hand over his heart.
"You ready to commence operation Chris Hanson?" she asked, sliding her hand down to his.
"Yeah, but did you have to scare me like that?!" he whined.
"No time for things like that, we're on the move," she pulled him by his hand.
"Wait! You don't think we can bust him in one day, do you?!" Taehyun asked as she pulled him down the hall.
"I've got just the idea," she said as she gripped his hand. Does she really have to hold my hand? Taehyun thought. She really hurt herself yesterday, he took a closer examination at her bandages.
"Where are we going?" he asked.

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