14: the himbo café

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Y/N and Taehyun walked along the sidewalk together. Scarfs (not the raccoon) around their necks, and coats hugging their bodies.
"I'm so excited!" Y/N clapped her hands and skipped.
"I can tell," Taehyun replied.
"I still don't understand why the club is hanging out when we already have plans for New Year's," Taehyun complained.
"We can hang out multiple times in a month!" Y/N turn around and began walking backwards while keeping eye contact with Taehyun.
"Plus, that trip is with the student council and Renjun, it would be nice for just the club to hang out," Y/N said.
"Well more like the club except that yellow highlighter is replacing precious Jihan today," she mumbled.
"I already see you guys enough at school," he sighed.
"Say Taehyun," Y/N held her hands behind her back and circled him playfully as they walked.
"What?" a flash of red tickled his cheeks. She grinned.
"Why did you agree to come with me today?" she asked.
"H-Huh?" he stuttered.
"I don't know..." Taehyun was trying to think.
"Ha! You're such a tsundere!" she laughed.
"A tsundere?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, you act like you don't like being around all of us, but I know that it's all a front," Y/N was now walking directly in front of Taehyun, keeping her back to him.
"I-I'm not a tsundere!" he argued.
"You always mope and pout and whine whenever we interact with you, but..." she stopped. She turned her head back at him.
"I can always count on you to be here," she smiled. His chest tightened. It felt as if the world was in slow motion for just a moment. Her smile was shining brighter than the sun to him. Her face was staining his eyes.
"I..." he was trying to find words.
"I..." he looked around frantically.
"I see Yeonjun down there!" he finally snapped out of it.
"Hm-," Y/N club fly even respond before he was dashing passed her, his strawberry hair flashing in the wind. She turned to see Taehyun running at full speed and then tackling the yellow haired boy down the street. She just scoffed and continued walking.


"...You sure this is the right place?" Taehyun asked. The three of them stood outside of a café.
"Yup!" Yeonjun smiled.
"The Handsome Dreams Café?" Taehyun was confused. Based on the outside decor and posters on the windows, it was obvious it was a "host" café. A place where young people go to get served by good-looking waiters.
"Harry June said he was inside already," Yeonjun pulled open the door.
"Harry June sure is a strange guy," Y/N laughed. Harry June had picked the spot. You can't talk, Taehyun shook his head at Y/N's words.
"Alright then," Taehyun sighed.

After getting past the hostess, Y/N and the boys saw Harry June waving at them from a booth. He had a smug look on his face as they sat down on the other side of the table. Chaewon and Hyejoo were sitting next to him.
"Hey~!" Y/N said.
"Hey beautiful!" Chaewon smiled.
"What's up!" Hyejoo greeted her.
"The wait is only five more minutes," Harry June smirked.
"What? Why? There's like no one here," Taehyun said.
"It's cause we chose a server that's five minutes late," Harry June laughed.
"Can't we just switch?" Hyejoo asked.
"Nah, you're not gonna want to," Harry smirked.
"I'm starting to lose faith in your straightness," Taehyun said.

The teens were busy in a conversation when Harry interrupted it.
"Hey, quit it! He's coming!" he giggled. Everyone turned. A waiter was approaching the table. It was Jung Sungmin in the café's work uniform, holding a pen and a notepad. For the shortest moment, he smiled at them with the face of a prince. He seemed to be wearing a small amount of makeup, with his hair done better than usual. That sweet face washed off immediately once he noticed who he was serving. He slowly turned to Harry.
"Oh you're dead," he shook his head with the eyes of a psycho killer. Don't laugh, don't laugh, Taehyun was keeping a straight face.
"What are you guys doing here?!" he asked.
"What are you doing here?!" Hyejoo pointed at his fancy uniform. It was at that moment that Taehyun and Yeonjun just happened to make eye contact. Like a waterfall, the pair burst out laughing. Harry June joined them.
"I'm s-sorry! Really! It's, it's, n-not funny!" Yeonjun cackled. Sungmin's ears were bright red.
"You mean that all of that acting bad and cool at school turns into this?" Hyejoo giggled.
"Pftttt!" Harry hit the table with his fists.
"Woah Sungmin!" Y/N said.
"What?!" he responded.
"Oh sorry, I meant to say Lune," Y/N corrected herself innocently. Sungmin's eyes immediately jumped to his name tag.
"Oh, that's right! Our server's name is Lune," Harry June teased.
"You totally looked like a pretty boy for a moment there!" she smiled.
"Yeah, you really look part of this place!" Chaewon was trying her best to keep it together.
"Hey," Hyejoo took Chaewon's hand.
"Oh my gosh, chill out I'm still a lesbian," Chaewon rolled her eyes.
"Y-You guys are like the gender-bent versions of each other, I-I'm sure it's fine," Taehyun said while tearing up from laughing. Sungmin and Hyejoo both gave him a death stare.
"M-My bad," he gulped. I should give up on trying to make jokes, he thought.
"Anyways, can we order drinks now?" Y/N smiled.

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