13: something about a beach trip

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Taehyun shifted over in his bed as his alarm went off.
"Ugh..." he squinted as his phone screen lit up. 8:00 AM, Friday, December 13th, he read on his phone. He turned to face his ceiling. He watched his ceiling fan go 'round and 'round as he pushed his covers off his body. It's the last day before break isn't it? he realized.


Taehyun walked down the school hallway, today was an awfully cheerful day. Teachers were playing movies in class instead of giving lessons. Though both seemed boring to Taehyun.
"Morning Taehyun!" someone said as they passed him.
"Huh? Oh, good morning Chaewon," he snapped out his thoughts to notice the blonde girl staring at him.
"You better hurry to your locker," she smiled.
"What? I'm not late again—am I?!" Taehyun immediately fished in his pocket for his phone.
"No, no, Y/N is waiting for you at your locker," she laughed. He stopped.
"Oh," he said.
"See ya, Vice-Prez!" she waved to him.
"Yeah..." he trailed off. Chaewon turned to go.
"Oh, Chaewon!" he said. She turned back around.
"Hm?" she raised a brow.
"Did you and Hyejoo make up?" he asked. She grinned.
"We did—why?" she asked.
"She is seriously a menace without you," he rolled his eyes. Chaewon chuckled.
"Watch your mouth there, I'll see you later," she grinned and turned back around.
"Later," he gripped his bag strap and turned turned back around. Let's go see what this is about, he sighed.

"What do you want Y/N?" he asked as he reached his locker.
"Hey Taehyun!" she greeted him as she stood up against the neighboring locker.
"Again, what's up?" he twisted the lock of his locker.
"I know it's a Friday, and the last day before break and all," she started.
"Which means we shouldn't have any club, but..." she said.
"Ugh, but...?" he said. He knew something was coming.
"The student council may or may not have given us a couple of last-minute tasks to do before the school closes up for a month..." she smiled.
"Seriously?" he whined.
"I promise it won't take too long!" she reassured him.
"Whatever, it's not like I can get out of this anyway," he sighed.
"That's the spirit of a Vice-President!" she punched his arm playfully.
"Get to class already, won't you?" he closed his locker.
"Alright, alright," she bent down.
"Did you bring Scarf today?" he asked.
"Nope, my mom is taking care of him today," she came back up.
"Unless I see you at lunch, I'll see you after school," Taehyun said. They didn't have any classes together.
"Roger that!" she saluted him.
"Bye!" she handed him something. As she left, he looked down at his hand. It was his daily strawberry milk. Taehyun's eyes ran across the text on the pink and white carton. When he looked back up, she was gone. Without realizing, he held the drink to his chest. He fell frozen and spaced out.


The bell rang.
"Huh?!" he snapped out of it. I am gonna be late again! he only shook his head and began walking to class.


The club members spread across the sidewalk. They watched as Y/N held the pressure washer.
"It's like magic!" Harry June watched in amazement as the sidewalk began returning to its original color.
"Right?" Y/N smiled.
"This is the last job and it only takes one person, can I go now?" Taehyun shivered and whined.
"Hey, we all agreed that we would walk home together!" Y/N retorted. More like YOU guys, he rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you kind of like totally suck at being Vice-President," Hyejoo said. Taehyun gave her an annoyed look.
"Remember that I didn't choose this job when you say that," Taehyun pushed up his glasses.
"Sorry four-eyes," though she insulted him, that was Hyejoo's way of genuinely apologizing.
"Hey Prez, can I try that?" Harry June asked.
"Ooh, ooh! Me too!" Jihan jumped in.
"I heard that if you touch a pressure washer while it's spraying, it can sever a finger." Sungchan randomly said. They all turned to him in shock.
"Yeah, uh... never mind, I'm good," Harry June said awkwardly. They were still staring.
"...What?" Sungchan said quietly as he realized all of the attention was on him.
"Out of all the times you choose to speak, and that's what you wanna say?" Sungmin said to Sungchan.
"Leave Chan alone guys," Y/N turned off the pressure washer. There was an awkward silence.
"It's cold and the sun is going down, can we please get out of here now?" Taehyun finally spoke.
"Yeah, let's do that," the others said.

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