Chapter 5 Practice

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At School, Basketball practice

Roc's POV

Me and Prince were playing one on one and I was whipping his ass.

Prince-I'm done man you cheatin

Me-No I'm not niqqa you just suck ass

Prince-Well I'm taking a break so we can have energy to yell Ray and Prod when they get here

Me-Yea where the hell are those two at?

Prince-I don't know I tried to call them no answer though

Me-Damn well they but to get in trouble cause we never supposed to late

Prince-I know

I looked at the door and saw a Ray and Prod come in looking late at as ever. Me and Prince walked over to them and started bitchin at them.

Me-Where the hell have you been?

Prince-(singin) All my li-li-li-life

Me-Really Prince

Prince-My bad I'm just trying to lighten the mood

Me-You just wanted to- You know what nevermind

Prince-I know but anyway where the hell have you two been?

Ray-I was try to apologzie to my baby momma

Prod-And I was trying to spend time with my girlfriend and Roc's ex

Me-Why do you think I care I got Ciara so I really don't


Prince-What? you got Ciara?


Prince-Asshole you knew I liked her too

Me-No I know you wanted to get with her and I knew you thought she was fine but no I didn't know you liked her

Prince-Well I do

Me-Well to bad

Ray-Don't fight over her

Prince-I'm not I'm just saying

Me-Good cause im not giving her up

Ray-I swear you like her more then you did Jamie

Me-I kinda felt like me and Jamie weren't going anywhere in our relationship


Me-Its not the same with Ciara. I get that feeling something is different with her like its real


Me-Bro you thinking about Neveah

Ray-Yea she's pregnant and pissed I don't know what to do

Prod&Prince-NEVEAH IS PREGNANT!!!!!!

Ray-Oh yea you don't know

Prince-Umm no when did you find this out

Ray-Today when I was cheating on her

Prod-Damn man you was cheating on her

Prince-No the question is do you really love her

Ray-Yes I do I don't know what I was thinking though damn I fucked up

Prod-You really did

Ray-Didn't you know Prod you was there when I was talking to Jamie

Prod-I wasn't listening

Ray-I see that

Prince-You have to fix this. You got a kid on the way and she may not let you see the baby

Ray-Damn I know and I wouldn't blame her if she didn't

Me-Look it'll work out promise and if you need help I'll get Ciara to help

Ray-I don't think she wants to help I just cheated on her friend

Me-I'll ask if she will though

Ray-No I got to do this myself thanks though Bro

Me-No problem no lets play one-on-one so I can kick your ass

Ray-Check up then niqqa

What's up everyone I hope you're enjoying the story its my first one so I'm really new to all this. Anyway have fun and continue.

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